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No... you didn't... *cries*

Not you too?


Well, everybody does it at least once.. You see, the thing about making card sets is that the set needs to not put the whole of the metagame into a completely different situation. The way you see boosters released is they tilt the metagame first one way, and then another, and slowly bring it up that way. If you release a single set (of just 12 cards!) which messes with the metagame so much that at least 1 of your cards would be included in any good deck, then you've probably got an overpowered set. Making a bunch of high-level or high-efficiency monsters is the way to go as far as that is concerned. So, before I even rate the cards, your set is already overpowered.


Now the cards: As a whole, most of them are strong and effect-efficient. What this means is that you're a cardmaking genius ^^, but it also means that your set is too overpowered. Releasing three of these cards; maybe four would be cool. But 12 altogether is a bit much. I'll rate the cards singularly, now:


"Jupiter" is a card for show (you need some cards like these in any set), because there really aren't any good thunder monsters in the metagame. However, he does look attractive, with an ability to "Inflict Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster" (OCG error there.. my quote is the correct text ^^), this looks like something from Yu-Gi-OH GX.. unlimited


Looking past the funny name (I love that movie..), "Juno" is pretty overpowered. During your opponent's first chance to attack her, she has an ATK of 2700, which sticks (you never said that the ATK went back down. For that you need to say "during the Battle Phase only".) forever. And then she gains ATK each turn afterwards. If you'll see, the last Monster I saw that did that was "The Rock Spirit" and some FIRE Attribute Monster.. both of which were lvl 4 and both of which needed a monster to be removed from the Graveyard in order for their Special Summon. Your card is a simple Tribute, which is fine, but the already-high ATK and the incredibly advantageous ATK boost just throws this card into the fires of ovepoweredness. Talking about that extra hand limit: Well, that's just icing on the cake for now (yum) ^^. However, if you change the effect above so that the ATK boost is just during the Battle Phase, then I still think this card would be dangerously close to overpowered. Being able to have a lot of cards in your hand can be helpful when (or if) you plan to draw and hold a lot of cards (conservational dueling, it's called... it's also the reason "Jinzo" is so effective mid-duel). So, make the hand cap about 8 instead.. limited or banned.


"Apollo" is interestingly balanced card. His OCG is painfully off, but I really do like his balance. Being able to avoid attacks from even just 1 monster is nice, because the opponent usually only has 1 monster with 2400 or more ATK on the field at one time (unless they play a Monarch Deck and get lucky..). For this guy, I would recommend just tuning the ATK down to 2250-2200, for the sake of slight balance problems. However, "Apollo" has some major OCG problems too, so I'll dive into those right now... btw, semi-limited

Heck, I'm lazy so I'll just rewrite the effect ^^. Here is is:

When this card is Tribute Summoned successfully, target 1 monster your opponent controls. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, the targeted card cannot be Tributed, cannot be destroyed by battle, and cannot choose "Apollo, Lord of the Sun" as an Attack Target. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, the targeted monster is also sent to the Graveyard.


"Ceres" is only slightly overpowered, for now. When the new Duel Monsters booster "Crossraods of Chaos" comes out, in which Plant-Type Monsters get a huge boost, this card will become overpowered. For now, just decrease both stats by 300, or get rid of the primary effect.. semi-limited *for now ^^*


"Diana" is like an aggro-style "Nephthys", which really doesn't work. You see, the ability to come back from the Graveyard after a Spell or Trap destroys you means that you need to be weak in battle. Having an aggro monster with the "Nepthys" Revival ability, kind of defeats the purpose ^^. Sorry, if you're going to have that reborn ability, you need to find a different focus for this card (How about getting rid of that primary ability, bringing the ATK down to 2000, and having the ATK boost become 500 ATK and DEF? But it's your card..). But the OCG is perfect... banned


"Mars" is a lvl 6 with 2500 ATK and 2 beneficial effects... that just screams "overpowered" to me. You can balance this card is two different ways. Either pitch the effect, and boost the ATK by 50-100 while increasing the DEF by about 700 for a strong Normal Monster (like a flaming, warrior version of "Frostasaurus"), or you can decrease the ATK to 2100 and keep the first effect, or 2300 and keep the second (the first effect would need to be modified so that the damage quota is 1000, and both need to say "As long as you control this face-up card,..." or else the effect could be loopholed by certain scum. grrrr ^^). Anway.. banned


"Mercury" doesn't work for the simple reason that there is no monster with "Olympus God" in its card name. There has never been a set in the TCG where certain cards are singled out for use with a certain title, without those monsters having the certain title in their card name (ex: "Venom" Monsters: "Vennominaga" and "Vennominon" aren't part of the group because they don't actually have the word "Venom" in their card names. ex2: "Phantom Beast" Monsters don't include "Gazelle, the King of Mythical Beasts", so each card has to mention him seperately). So, either change all the names to have "Olympus God" in them, use a different identifier, or name each card in the card text of "Mercury"... or get rid of him.. unlimited *but useless*


"A Legendary Ocean" and "Neptune" (or 2 "Neptune" Monsters) = Summoning "Mobius the Frost Monarch" without a Tribute... sorry, that's overpowered. Lose the lvl downgrade for better balance. If you want, you can decrease his DEF by 600 and then lose the parentheticals in his card text (so he's also targeted by his effect... 2400-point Fish-Type!!! Yeah!!^^).. banned


"Minerva".. hmm, "Woodborg Impachi" is a 2500-DEF single-tribute monster with 500 ATK and no effect. Your monster has 2500-DEF with 700 ATK and a very useful effect.. so, she's overpowered. If you make her a 2-tribute then she'd be fine. Or, if you want to spice her up, decrease the ATK by 100, increase the DEF by 100, and make it so that you can only choose Attack Target's when she's in face-up Attack Position.. that would be nice (remember to capitalize Attack Target!).. banned


"Vulcan" is fine, and also kind of useful-ish. He'd look good in that Warrior Structure Deck, and also could do well in a deck that uses "Ekibyo Drakmord" or that equipment "Mask" card, or just about any multi-use equip card! He has high DEF, which kind of puts me off, but I like him. Just decrease the DEF by 100-200 so I don't bug myself to death about it ^^.. unlimited (your best yet!)


"Venus" would be fine, if not for 1 thing. Her effect targets ATK and DEF, and works even if she's face-down. So, first do something so that only 1 stat goes up, and make sure to phrase it "Increase the STAT GOES HERE of this face-up monster...". As for the 1 stat thing, either choose one from the start or say "When this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up, select either ATK or DEF. Increase the...". It's your choice in the matter, but for now... banned


"Vesta" seems like an old card (like, old in the card game, not that she looks old ^^). This is a kind of effect that would have been advertised in late 2004 to early 2006 (yeah, call me a nerd). Anyway, what's something of 400 LP worth anyway? Most monsters disappear in a few turns, with the way the metagame works now. So maybe 800-1200 LP over the course of 2-3 turns... woopee. If you want to give LP, do it quickly and make it big. Something like, if she was Normal Summoned, tributing her to increase your LP by 400 for each Set Spell and Trap on the field.. that's sacrificing a monster and a Normal Summon... which is pretty big and so deserves a nice big boost.. unlimited *kinda useless too, right now*


Alright. Aesthetics were great! OCG doesn't need so much work. Your major problem is balance, but everybody has that problem so don't worry about it...

Good job! Keep at it! :mrgreen:

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best pics i ever saw.



great job


can i have the links to the pics


lol im sorry I don't keep the links... thanks anyway really appreciate rating!

I am planning to redo this set because of the positive feedback. Can someone please tell me which pictures need replacing as N00B Hunter has covered everything else.

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