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[REQ] Sapphy card image


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Size Of Graphic: 1000 by 1000 when finished

Type Of Graphic: Card Image (no, I'm not talking about plucking a pic from the net, a pic to be made by one who wants to complete this request)

Requested Artist: Kizzi, Gphaku, Haruno (Luke fon Fabre), Stardust, Deity Axle, Darkflame Uchiha, GOD Gak...just someone who's an extremely skilled artist.


Okay, I normally would have drawn her on my own time, but I have an artist block. I want an image of Sapphira, my character. References for her can be found here:



(sort of outdated because of plating change)


What's this doing here?

(There was supposed to be plating on the hands like the ones on her tail)


Any additional notes:

Sapphira often wears dark clothes, and is often a sadistic deity, playing with human lives. Strangely, she likes taking her victims out by devouring them alive (sometimes whole, I don't know why...).


What should the pic look like: Sapphira's about to eat some random monster...or person, whatever floats your boat. (sort of in a way a python or poisonous snake would) If that doesn't work out, go ahead and draw her in whatever way you feel would be best for her personality.


Feel free to modify her a little bit if you like, and sorry my handwriting's sloppy ^^;...I could type out the text for those who want to take on this request.

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