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Psychic Synchro

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Notes before suggesting:


1) I only want this deck to use cards from teh Duelest genisis

2) This deck is a fun deck, not a serious one.

3) I DID NOT NET DECK THIS FROM JoC! We had the exact same build.


Monsters: (22)


Non-Tuner: (13)

3x Destructotron

3x Psychic Snail

3x Mind Protector

2x Telekinetic Shocker

2x Doctor Cranium


Tuner: (9)

3x Da Nazi (Psychic Commander)

3x Krebons

3x Mind Master


Spells: (9)

3x Emergency Teleport

3x Telekinetic Charging Cell

2x Psy-Station

1x Psy-Impulse


Traps: (9)

3x Mind Over Matter

3x Psychic Rejuvenation

3x Telepathic Power


Extra Deck: (9)

3x Avenging Knight Parshath

3x Thought Ruler Archfiend

3x Magical Android

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telekeintic charging cell pwns though. + Krebon makes krebon a marshmallon' date=' + [b']Destructron makes it a harpies feather duster[/b], + Mind Master means u can toolbox to the max, +Psychic Commander means u can decrease any monster by 500 atk


not completely, destructron can only target facedown backrow

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Not sure on the overload, its a trap thus kinda slow and easily destroyed. JoC the cards effect is:


Select 3 Psychic-Type monsters in your Graveyard, and shuffle them back to your Deck. Afterwards, draw 2 cards.


Can someone crow one of the targeted monsters or is it a cost? If so than can you select a different third or how would it work?

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Same ruling as PoA im guessing:

You cannot activate it if you do not have 5 or more monsters in your Graveyard. If any of the 5 monsters targeted by "Pot of Avarice" are removed from the Graveyard before its effect resolves, for example by "Disappear" or "Call of the Haunted", then the entire effect of "Pot of Avarice" disappears. You do not shuffle the other monsters into your Deck and you do not draw 2 cards.

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