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Yubel Deck


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Here is a Yubel Deck idea that I came up with. It looks like it would work well.


First off here are the offical ruleing for Yubel so you can understand my deck construction better. I only posted the one that pertains to the deck.




When "Yubel" is destroyed while in the hand or Deck, its effect activates. If it is destroyed while face-down, its effect activates.


When a face-up "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" is sent to Graveyard, removed from play, or returned to its owner's hand, its effect to Special Summon "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare" activates. This effect cannot be activated when it is returned to its owner's Deck.


I'm assuming the remove from play will be the same for Yubel since it has the same conditions to bring Terror out even though it doesn't say on the ruleing for Yubel (probably just an assumed thing)


Monsters -21


Yubel x 3

Yubel- Terrior Incarnate x 3

Yubel- Ultimate Nightmare x 1

Mystic Tomato x 2

Man-Eater Bug x 1

D.D Survivor x 3

Kuraz the Light Monarch x 1

Jinzo x 1

Dark Grepher x 2

Giant Orc x 1

Doom Shaman x 2

Montage dragon x 1





Reniforcment of the Army x 2

Mystical Space Typhoon x 1

Foolish Barrial x 2

Double Summon x 2

Lighting Vortex x 2

Allure of Darkness x 2

Monster Reborn x 1

Swing of Memories x 1


Trap -8


Torrential Tribute x 1

Limit Reverse x 2

Wabaku x 2

Dark Illusion x 2

Escape from the Dark Dimension x 1





Side Deck

Threatning Roar x2

D.D.M.- Diffrent Dimension Master x 2

Return from the Diffrent Dimension x 1

Other Cards I've yet to decide on x 10

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I do see your point. But I've also seen almost every Yubel deck that I've fought had 3 of the first two forms. Though ya the last form could be reduced to once since most people use form 2 the most.


But since it is a removal deck I won't be having any of the 2nd form in the graveyard anyway so I do need to keep 3 around.

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Hum...wasn't paying attention to the number for Return from a Diffrent Dimention. Missed seeing that one on the limited list. That was my bad really.



Since I can only have one Return I'll add one of him in. He does require me to actually have a dark in my hand (not a real problem for the most part) so that could be good with how I plan to run the deck. And ya I'll have to be careful when I acutally activate Macro if I do plan on using Tomato to bring Yubel to the field.



But I'll modify the deck list now by taking out one RfaDD and Yubel- Nightmare and added 2 Grepher.

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Well when Yubel is droped by Grepher it's 2nd form automaticly comes to the field causing limit reverse to not have much point unless they are able to destroy all 3 forms and then I could use Limit Reverse to bring the first form back. But then again I will have 2 more to use and plenty of ways to kill them.



That is if I'm reading the ruleing right.





And apparently I was wrong in assuming all that. I guess DG's effect won't summon the 2nd form. I might consider the Limit Reverse thing afterall.




Hum...I wonder if I can activate Destruction Jammer when Yubel tries to destroy itself if I don't send a monster to the gy. DJ will then destroy Yubel instead of Yubel destroying itself.

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Ok. Sorry for the double post but I've updated my deck. I test ran it with the macro and prison and found it didn't run like I had planed so I modified it (just missing one double summon) to how some people have said I should add so now for the updated list on the first post :)

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New rules say you can have up to 15 cards in the side deck. Or so I've heard. And I really havn't thought of the side deck much so any help in that part would be nice. Unless I'm thinking of the extra deck now...


Bah...stupid me. I forgot to add my Doom Shaman to the list...

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Checked the Old Man. I have two cards of him. Each with a diffrent text. I have one from the GLD1 and MFC. The MFC is Man Eaters text and the GLD1 says opponent. I have a feeling the newer one is the offial rueling one. Was using Man-Eater as a possible way of destroying Yubel though it would be hard to pull off.

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