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In an effort to create a more balanced Sapphira...


Which abilities would you like to see on a more balanced vers?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which abilities would you like to see on a more balanced vers?

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If I may add something, I was seeing this monster as, like, a DARK, Fairy-Type monster. Also, it seems a bit over powered with the effect of increasing the card's Atk. that much. Maybe if it starts at 2000 Atk. and 1800, 1900 Def. it would be less OVERpowering, especially since it cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. Question: Does the increase of Atk. last forever or until the End Phase? If it ends at the End Phase, I think the Atk. and Def. stats are fine. I don't know. Maybe I'm just crazy. Oh well. Nice card anyway.

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The gaining ATK part is wayyyyyyyyyyy overpowered, all 3-4 star monster have like 1000-2000 atk. That means each kill= +1000-2000 ATK. Thats unstoppable, I say gain 200 ATK per kill and 2100 ATK and 2 sacs... only because it burns... and is not destroyed... and stops them from atking by only discarding a card that could be a high level monster that you premature Burial or Call of the Haunted... or monster reborn...



Yeah Thats meh opinion!

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