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~NEW~ Elemental Dragon ~NEW~

☆ Master Sami ☆

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After i have created 16% of my new pack i showed 3 dragons one of them were "Elemental Dragon - Kaiva" and i wanted to show another card from my pack, its like an evolution for "Elemental Dragon - Kaiva"


Please rate.







This monster can only be special summoned by tributing 1 face-up "Elemental Dragon - Kaiva" on your side of the field, take control of 1 face-up monster on your opponnt's side of the field and treat it as an equip spell card that increases 1000 ATK points equiped to this monster, when this monster is selected as an attack target and about to be destroyed, destroy the equiped monster instead, if the equip card is a DARK monster and it's destroyed, deal 1000 direct damage to your opponent's life points, you can equip 1 monster at a time.



Wish you enjoyed :D:D:D


PS: don't forget to rate.

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It's alright.


Few OCG errors.


Overall 7/10


theres alot to read and i dont feel like reading but the pic is overused and needs crop


If you don't read it' date=' don't post.



well wat im not aloud to comment the pic


He/She posted the card to be rated.


Not the picture.


the pic is a part of the card so i can it too

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It's alright.


Few OCG errors.


Overall 7/10


theres alot to read and i dont feel like reading but the pic is overused and needs crop


If you don't read it' date=' don't post.



well wat im not aloud to comment the pic


He/She posted the card to be rated.


Not the picture.


the pic is a part of the card so i can it too


Would you like it if i commented on only the picture of your card?


I would assume you wouldn't.

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accualy lots of people do that and i dont care as long as they comment


If they jumped off a cliff' date=' would you?



dude were talking about some card here not people who are jumping of a clif




Alright then....


You missed my point.....


well too bad for u anyway gotta go and big deal anyway

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Who fight between Krow & ygofan. Nice card.


This monster can only be Special Summoned by Releasing 1 face-up "Elemental Dragon - Kaiva" on your side of the field, take control of 1 face-up monster on your opponnt's side of the field and treat it as an equip spell card that increases 1000 ATK points equiped to this monster, when this monster is selected as an attack target and about to be destroyed, destroy the equiped monster instead, if the equip card is a DARK monster and it's destroyed, deal 1000 direct damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can equip 1 monster at a time.

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