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Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championships 2008

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hmm okay how do you qualify for wc cos i dont get it?


Win Nationals.


And to win Nationals you have to win a reigonals.


(Optional) Before you can win Reigonals you must win a Sneak Preview


(Optional) Before you can win a Sneak Preview, ytou must win an lolocals.

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No Little City in wc? Too bad. I see Little City as a better version of Fusilier Dragon deck.


Lightsworns run all wrong again. When will these people learn?


Can you link me to a page with the decklists of British Nationals/Regionals?

I'm really wondering how you run them right and if I'm running them right.

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Oh, I remember, but still no Honest, CoSR (duh, it's the same deck).


Hm, I run it something like that.


You know, we should LS Mirror Match over YVD, you with that winning deck and me with my own twist to it, or vice versa, and see if that deck is really superior. I want to understand how that deck won over there.

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Yay Japan won.

Btw, the winner posted his reason for using Andal on his blog, since when he came back his e-mail was filled to the top with this question.


"Decided to use Andal after I heard Jujutsu Master was used to counter GB's in the States. He's a searchable default 19 Attacker, so helps eliminate this problem. He also looks cute."


Anyway, Griffith (the dudes online name) was always known to use strange tech cards and still win Frontier Cups and Nats.

I think he was the only one who used Glads in our Nats too, so has prior experience.

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