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tin maker booster maker stuce maker yugi holding a card u made maker pokemon fuse


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ok i am a begginer with makeing this stuff ok i wil make a tin at the cost of 1 rep each u need to give me the pic the u want in the tin now 100% refundable just remember i am a begginger edit: i for got also tell me how many cards per pack and the name of the tin

here is an eg newpicture40ip1.png

if u steal someone eless tin i will report u if u take my eg without paying it is the on freebe u get

also have a picture that u want for a avatar too big now angry come to this shop and have it fixed so it can be ur avatar it costs 2 reps i can also make bosters and stuce deck i am a rokkie for pete sake so please don't compain like i said its refindable and last but not least a duelist from yugioh holding a card that u made u need to provide me with the duelist picand the card i can also fuse pokemon. Any way anybody that buys one is listed below here beside it is how many u have and if u buy enough from me you get your orders free. i can make card pics look older. tops and bottmes credit to tedious


here is the list:

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