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Running out of juice...

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^ That'd be illegal.


Something like:


5 Harpie Lady + DNA Surgery + Limiter Removal


Thankfully' date=' Harpie's Hunting Ground helps in the disposal of opposig S/T.


This wouldn't nearly be consistent enough, and I'll probably have a Surgery and Limiter as dead draws.


Not really, but I'll have to find the decklist first... I've lost the original list, unfortunately...

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Actually, it wont be illegal if the Harpie Ladies happen to be Harpie Queens. Hysteric Party is the only thing I can think of for a Mass Harpie summoning. Pretty much discard the Queens to get a Hunting Ground. Set Hysteric Party, when you have enough Harpies in your Graveyard and / or on your field, activate Hysteric Party and bring back the Queens and any other Harpies that you can bring back. I believe Harpie Queen is treated as Harpie Lady if its on the field or in the Graveyard. Even without Limiter Removal and DNA Surgery, I think you can still OTK. The Hunting Ground can deal with any Spell or Traps your opponent has but watch out for Chainables (Threatening Roar, Waboku, etc) as they will ruin your OTK. The weakness in a Harpie build is its lack of Draw Engine except Card of Safe Return.


The only Harpie Ladies that are treated as Harpie Lady all the time that you should run is Harpie Lady #1 as it powers up your other Harpies and makes the OTK easier to pull off.


As for a LaDD build, it is very expensive to get right (3 D-Draws, Allures, Malicious' just to name a few). If you have 3 D-Draws, 2 Malicious, Disk Commander, you're pretty much almost there.

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