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Reset Button OTK Decklist


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Net-Decked this off a Tonisanoob, and modified it over the past few months to my liking, I feel it still needs alot of work....but I wanted to see what people would think of it so far....and possibly help come up with a few new ideas for the deck...





3 The Dark Creator

3 Dark Horus

3 Phantom of Chaos

3 Dark Grepher

2 Sky Scourge Norleras

2 Magical Merchant

1 Dark Magician of Chaos

1 Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

1 Sangan

1 Morphing Jar



3 Trade-In

3 Feather of a Phoenix

2 Hand Destruction

2 Monster Gate

2 Foolish Burial

1 Monster Reborn

1 Premature Burial

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Heavy Storm

1 Card Destruction




3 Limit Reverse


I made an OTK situation using the Reset Concept: getting at least 5 Darks in the graveyard, including Dark Horus and DMOC, as well as either Premature Burial or Monster Reborn, I would summon Phantom of chaos, activate Feather of a Phoenix, to put Dark Creator on top, Remove Norleras, to nuke and draw, Summon Dark Creator remove a random dark to special summon DMOC and use its ability to bring back Monster Reborn/Premature Burial and use that to Reborn Dark Horus, hit for 8100 total.


Rate? Comments, Suggestions?


Updated as of 8/12/08

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lol Mole.


Also try 7 darks in grave' date=' with 5 youll have 3 when you draw into dark creator



I made an OTK situation using the Reset Concept: Getting At Least 5 Darks in the graveyard. by the time I nuke with Phantom-Norleras Combo I get 2 extra plus my possible dark's in hand to the grave giving me over 5, hence the "At Least."


Its not as good as toni's. Some cards in here are a little random.


This I understand. And I Agree with wholly.


yhea try my re-set button beck in my sig


*sobs because he dismantled it* =((((((


sorry for the dismantlement' date=' at the time your deck was still be modified to I took it from there, they basically went in two separate directions at that point, mine as we can see taking the road for worse...


I edited it a little using some cards I forgot would be useful in this deck....see what you think now, I know it definitely still needs alot of work

But I at least know its getting there, it is my weakest deck at the moment however. [X.x'] go figure...

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I forgot that PoC is a dark but even still you need 6 darks in the grave, or 5 and 1 in hand to drop for feather. With 5 you remove one for PoC and you have 4. You put Dark Creator on top and you only have 3. You nuke and get 4. Dark Creator needs 5 to be Special Summoned, thats what I was trying to say.

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take out the brron for dark grephers


crow and solemn kills your strategy you need a way to deal with this problem here's some ideas : mind crush, dd designator, dustshoot, ccv, prohibition, giant trunade, mst, dust tornado, malevolent catastrophe, wing blast, solemn judgement, raigeki break...


i'm not saying to run all of those just playtest and keep the ones that work the best.

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