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Enough of this.

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I swear, you kids these days. I finally manage to get my internets working again, and I see crap like this all over. Well, I've had enough. It's high time that I, Wilford Brimley, taught you kids a lesson.


I wouldn't need to do this if your parents would just do their jobs properly, but no, of course they can't. I was earning my living back when your parents were in diapers, so you damn well better show me some respect for that. Anyhow, your parents' generation was a load of crap. Irresponsible layabouts, the lot of them, and with ridiculous hair. Wouldn't respect their elders, you know. A lot of them were probably commies, too. Wanted us to make peace with the Russian Communists, they did.


Oh, yes, I remember those Russian Communists. They pretended to be on our side during that one war, after the German Communists betrayed them, but then they betrayed us afterward. Can't trust these commies, you know. They want to take everything for themselves, so they can then give it to their lazy public. They don't understand what hard work really means. Not like me. By the time I was eight, I was helping my parents in the coal mines so that we wouldn't starve to death. But it built character, and made me the person I am today. Anyhow, the point is that I fought in the war against those Russian Communists. Well, actually, it was against the Korean Communists, but they're all basically the same anyhow. Damn Communists. And before that, at home, we tracked down the commies hiding in our town. There was a commie that ran one of the corner shops, so we burned the shop down.


But that's not what you kids do today, is it? No, of course not. You couldn't care less whether the fool behind the counter was an American or a commie. You're too busy spray-painting graffiti on the shop walls for no good reason, and it's all because of your crap parenting. Your damn hippie parents don't understand discipline, no sir. They didn't understand that we needed to discipline the commies back in the Cold War, and they sure don't understand how to discipline you young'uns. And they spoil you kids, too, which is why they spend so much money buying all these ridiculous card-things for you just so you can play some stupid game. Back during the war, the only deck we had was a good, old-fashioned, fifty-two card deck, except that we only had fifty-one cards because we were missing the six of diamonds. But we didn't squander our money so we never bought a new one, and we certainly didn't waste thousands of dollars each on these newfangled cards just to play one crap game.


Speaking of the war, the only war you kids really know is from stupid video games. You've never seen a real, good war. Back when we were fighting the commies, we actually died when we got hit. We didn't just wait for our shields to regenerate. And the grenades were different, too. You couldn't just paint one of them blue and make it somehow stick to a German soldier. And you needed to pull the pin out at just the right time, or you'd blow yourself to smithereens.


But more importantly, bad things are happening on these internets, and it's all because of you kids. We've got Brits and Aussies here, even though the Internet is American, and we've got women here, even though there's no need for a computer in the kitchen. But worst of all, you kids spend way too much time on here. It's not healthy. Your parents did something wrong to you damn young'uns, and you lot are going to do something worse to your own kids. Even the commies weren't quite as threatening as you lot. America can't defend itself against itself.


So enough of this. Stop squandering your money on cards and squandering your time on computers and squandering your freedom by going to jail for spray-painting graffiti and shoplifting from good loyal Americans instead of from Communist spies. Because the next time Germany and Russia decide to kill everyone, it won't matter how powerful your deck is or how many Koopas you've stomped. You'll need to actually live in this world, not your bloody fantasy one, and the only way America's going to have a chance of defeating the enemy is if all of you lot defect to Japan.

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Well lately I've not been on here a lot and I've been going camping and stuff. I am very opposed to video games unless they involve being active (DDR, ITG and such).


I'm not one to go around in Video Game stores, so no problem there.


Though I do live pretty hard now because my parents divorced a couple weeks ago and I've been taking care of myself more than ever when I'm at my father's house. He doesn't do anything for me. He doesn't buy food or do the dishes, he just works and then spends his money either on drinks or cigarettes. So I do not spend much on Card Games however I've gone to the Duelist Genesis Sneak Preview and I spent some 50$ there, which is a real reward for me because I can never really have some time off.


So if anything, I'm not spoiled at all.

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I work for my family, hell i don't even buy cards anymore, lucky me got a connection so I don't have to buy cards anymore. Anyways, as far as video games go I get 1 about every 4 months, and thats with trading in games

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uhh........... what hs this got to do with tcg' date='



Did crab helmet just spam!



It's highly relevant to the TCG. I mentioned the card game in there a few times.

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I feel like I should be outraged, but somehow I'm not, just a little excited. Since my parents' generation, my family has been politically apathetic. All four of my grandparents were Communist, as well as several relatives. I admit they've done their share of wrong, but Communism managed to pull my country back together. To some extent, I am grateful, but only very little.


I am a woman. I am Chinese. I am the end of a line of Communists. I am disciplined. I am faithful. I am unspoiled. Whether any of this is a joke, serious, or whatever, I am offended. This is the internet, I realize, but please have some respect. Take your false-founded stereotypes and assumptions elsewhere. Thank you.

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i agree with tea leaf

Communism breathed new life in to Russia it gave my family hope for the future

Russia got back on its feet on that fateful day in 1917

i am the way i am because of Communism and im fine

and crab i thought you knew your history better

the Nazi's were FASCISTS

not Communist


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Dam Kidz running cross my LAWNZZ.


Not everyone (if anyone) has let card games take over their lives so much that communism will crush us all. Anyways, several players don't waste money on cards by dueling online and other tactics. (I put pieces of paper with the card names on them and slip them in sleeves with some crap 10 cent card behind it so it shuffles normally.) Also no, we don't care if the man behind the counter is a commie as long as he doesn't start any trouble. Also we aren't gang members spraying the walls.

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Well, I suppose this is "funny", but why in TCG? Shouldnt this be in General or Debates?

Anyway Crab, not ALL kids are like this. Ive been through war between neighbors XD. People who play war videogames have probably seen real war.

Yes, I know this is probably a joke, but offensive. Tea Leaf is right. Don't expect everyone to laugh at what you say, no matter how offensive or "funny". Please, when you make a joke, make it about the TCG, not about foreign countries who have been in war.

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Oh yeah crab you have to look out theres a bunch of Pansies on this thread who can't take a joke you have to watch wear you step closer than ever now


This just in ! Being on a different side of a conversation = Being a Pansie. More news at 10.

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And WHAT does this have to do with the TCG aside from mentioning it on a few times? Not all kids are like this' date=' so, I am so glad I'm about to say this-









WHY CRAB? why have you sinked so low as to post this in the wrong section, I for one am shocked and disapointed...


(Roxas your a God!)

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Kid, Crab Helmet, Wilford Brimley, whoever you think you are...


... these are different times, different people, an altogether new world you are living in now. Communism is dead, except in a few enclaves where it has either resulted in millions dying or, in China, a shift to a nebulous form of democracy (at best).


... I won't care a bit if the guy behind the counter is a sympathizer of democracy or communism. His opinions are not mine, and it is not my business to interfere.


... I was spoiled, but I hated being spoiled. So I left home. End of story.


... so what if there are Aussies and Brits and women here?


... stop the damn spamming and view the world from new eyes. But, as I am made aware, you can't teach old dogs new tricks. That much.


PM me if you like.

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And WHAT does this have to do with the TCG aside from mentioning it on a few times? Not all kids are like this' date=' so, I am so glad I'm about to say this-









WHY CRAB? why have you sinked so low as to post this in the wrong section, I for one am shocked and disapointed...


(Roxas your a God!)


I for one am both shocked and happy. Witness this, the beginning of the fall of the once High-and-Mighty Crab Helmet!

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