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My Sailor Moon Cards! Please tell me what u think!


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It's a good start, but they do need some work. Some of the gameplay details need tweaking, mostly so the effects are clearer to understand. Plus for the names, descriptions and some of the pictures you seem to be mish-mashing together some dub terms with sub/translated terms as well as early fan-translations which are a bit inaccurate. Also the pic for Love and Beauty Shock; that's Venus's transformation that pictured, not one of her attacks.


Gameplay wise I'd give them a 7 or 8 out of 10.

Source material wise I'd only give them a 5 or 6 out of 10.

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Oh Crap!!! I can't believe i forgot to make sailor saturn!!! I am such a dud!

It's a good start' date=' but they do need some work. Some of the gameplay details need tweaking, mostly so the effects are clearer to understand. Plus for the names, descriptions and some of the pictures you seem to be mish-mashing together some dub terms with sub/translated terms as well as early fan-translations which are a bit inaccurate. Also the pic for Love and Beauty Shock; that's Venus's transformation that pictured, not one of her attacks.


Gameplay wise I'd give them a 7 or 8 out of 10.

Source material wise I'd only give them a 5 or 6 out of 10.



btw::: for the Love and Beauty Shock I couldn't find any other pictures for it so the tranformation pic was the best I could get my hands on!!! >< oh and so yea..

Oh and when you guys are critiquing my cards... please give specifics and details... I could really use them... like which cards need tweaking and stuff so thank you!

Oh and... here is Sailor Saturn!! I found out... that I made it... but I just forgot to post it >< eek! again... such a dud!!! >< anyways here u go!:::



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errr...... I only wanted to make a few monsters with an effect bc if all my monsters would have an effect... then there would be no natural balance... plus it would be unfair to my brother... because we are having an anime face off and once we finish all of our cards we would battle with them >< I chose Sailor Moon and he chose Bleach.... yes... I am like 5 years younger >< also.... I am a big huge techno retard so I really dunno wat OCG means..... please tell me... but maybe I could cheat hyuk hyuk hyuk.... and make the outer senshi scouts have effects... I will probably post them later today... Thank you!

oh and!!! some of the cards were blurry because I had to take screenshots of videos due to less efficiency of amazing pics >< doi!

Well anyways... like I promised!!! Here are my new and improved Outer Senshi Cards ::::










so tell me wat you think!!! comments? raves? critiques???

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