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dunno if this is the right place but

do0m kn1ght

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You were banned because you (or someone who had access to your account) posted an obscene amount of spam messages last week, in the period of a few minutes. I only banned you for 3 days, so don't worry about it... might want to change your password though.

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I think this provides another reason for said 'going away' forum, people can say when and for how long they are going, and when they are back, add a reply saying so, this could help prevent hacks during that time, of course, a negative is a hack could randomly say someone is going away when they are not, unfortunately.

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why would people need to say if they will be off the site for a while? why would anyone on the forum care if somebody is gone for a certain amount of time? what does the person being of the forum for a while have to do with hacks, someone could hack the account at any time.


Think before you say things.

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Think before you say things.


Me think before I say things? Heh, speak for your self Masta, or need I remind everyone of your spammy-trolling in Caption Contest #3? I wouldn't expect a self-centred troll such as youself to understand.

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