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Spellcaster hand control- needs fixing...


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I tried this deck out a few times, and it sucks pretty bad. any ideas on how to fix it, or what I should remake it into?


1| Dark Magician Of Chaos

3| dark red enchanter

3| Firestorm Monarch

1| Toon Summoned Skull


3| magical exemplar

3| injection fairy lily

1| Sangan

1| Treeborn Frog

3| Aprentice Magician

1| Snipe Hunter


2| Foolish Burial

1| Monster Reborn

1| Premature Burial

3| D.D.R

2| Allure Of Darkness

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

3| Toon Table Of Content


3| Magician Circle

2| Limit Reverse

1| Mirror Force

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Right you need a more consistent tribute engine so

-injection fairy lilys

+ 2 Malicious

+ Disk Commander (seeing as you are running 2 limit reverse and foolish already)


3 DDRs seems over the top when you the only rfp things u are running is allure and dmoc. So

- 3 DDRs

+ Spirit Reaper

+ Torrential Tribute

+ Trap Dustshoot (more hand control)


Id also find some way of squeezing in shrinks for protecting dark red enchanter. Also add numbers to your deck sections before i warn u

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