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phantasm summoning of destruction.


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the main focus of this deck is to summon summoned skull and raviel lord of phantasms as quickly as possible. this deck is filled with level 4 fiend monsters like ryu kishin powered, that can be sacrificed for summoned skull and raviel. once in play, i sacrifice summoned skull to raviel increasing his attack strength to 6500. once there, i play megamorph and H heated heart to get his attack strength up higher. with this deck format, he can get as high as 14,000.


raviel lord of phantasms


summoned skull


x2 la jinn mystical genie of the lamp


mystic plasma zone


jar of greed


x3 sangan


three headed geedo


D.D trainer






x2 waboku


jar of greed


pot of greed




interdementional matter transporter


x2 megamorph


tribute to the doomed


sword of dark destruction


whiptail crow


ryu kishin powered


grand tiki elder


x2 feral imp


D.D borderline


mystic clown


trap hole


H heated heart


x2 the shallow grave


x2 creature swap


premature burial


x2 ultimate offering


x2 man eating treasure chest

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When was the last time you looked at cards. I stopped reading at Lajin this is major Lolz. You look like some player who played when it came out quit for a while got 7 cards then made a deck and posted here. Look at the newer cards and the decks here.

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