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I had this card used against me when I used my Monarchs today:


TCG Picture Currently Unavailable



Effect: Activate only when a monster is successfully Tribute Summoned with exactly 1 Tribute. Control of that monster is switched.


I also have a question about it. If I Tribute Summon a Monarch and my opponent activates this card in response, who would get the Monarch's effect?

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Ah i well you cant expect me to know all the rulings for cards that were just released yesterday' date=' also rarity?



Super Rare in TCG


- "Intercept" targets the tribute summoned monster

- If the Tribute Summoned monster has an activated when it is Tribute Summoned' date=' the player that Tribute Summoned the monster activates its effect. "Intercept" chains to the monsters effect


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actually I believe it can get jinzo because it is a COUNTER trap card' date=' and yeah, sitiational, would side deck though ^-^



Divine Wrath Ruling says hi.


Considering that a Continuous Effect never activates, Divine Wrath doesn't even theoretically apply to Jinzo.


However, it is true that this doesn't work on Jinzo. It needs to be on the field for you to use this card, and by the time it's on the field, it's able to negate.

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This card can take Darklord Zerato if the conditions are right.


I believe so if it is summoned its second way (only requires 1 tribute if you have 4 or more darks in grave). Meh card is Meh, lol I was someone 3 times at the sneak peak remove his own Caius instead of letting it be intercepted.




This doesnt work with Double Coston, Kaiser Sea Horse, Gellenduo, etc correct?

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Side Deckable card is Side Deckable.


I kinda like this over Pulling the Rug since it's more than just a one-for-one trade. It actually steals stuff. Imagine stealing your opponent's Jinzo or Prime Material Dragon.


However, against Monarchs, Pulling the Rug would be better IMO.

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