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Crystal Alien

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Name:Aashar Akram


Two guns you start off with:Raging bull,and Sniper Rifle.

Bio:Was a immagran from Pakistan people thought he was a terrorist and made fun of him when he was little and also he did'nt care he was good,One day he was accused of killing a mob boss got arrested sent to jail for 4 years.

Starting place:Corner of Bone Country.

Apperence:Brown,Spiky black hair,Baggy black jeans,White tank top,and Black Nike's,and a NY Yankee Hat Black and white.

Job:Spineper expert.

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As ryan drives down the road in his old bob cat truck he notices a 27 year old man on the side of the road as he grips his m4 from the bottom of the floor in-case he is dangerous he pulls up beside the man and rolls down his old dirty window. " Hey, do you need a lift. " As ryan keeps a good grip on his m4.

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Name:Joseph Handin

Age of your char:29

2 guns you start with:AK-74,macarov

Background of your char:was an spetsnaz soulder in the later part of the cold wa but after they weree down sized in the 1990's hey was left with out work and immigrated to the us but after shooting 6 cops he was sentinced to 11 years in prison now he's out and working free lance willing to kill any one for a fee

Starting place:Bone contrey

Desc. of what your char looks like:well tanned jet black hair russain camouflage nothing to extravagant

What car you start with:land rover

Job: hit man/body guard



god damit i need an aparment ..... and some more vodka looks like there's a uit able place some were in town

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Name: Danny Delano

Age of your char: 23

2 guns you start with: Hunting knife, Baseball bat, fists

Background of your char: Has just escaped from Germany, after being locked up for 18 months, ready to start a new life

Starting place: Bone COuntry

Desc. of what your char looks like: fairly tall, his hair is mahogany with a fringe

at the front, peach fuzz

What car you start with: (GTA cars?) PCG 600

Job: Street Fighter

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE," said a mysterious voice, "I'll be taking whatever is on you, chumps, or so help me I will tear you limb from limb!!"

Delano opened the truck door and realized who was in there......


"A-Aashar Akram, is that really you, remember me, Danny Delano?" said Danny

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I'll Join, except that i have never played GTA, i think its violent


Name: Ryko "Legend of Death" Akima

Age of your char: 32

2 guns you start with**: Modified Devoire*, RPG

Background of your char: Escaped from Sweden, Claims to have Wyvern blood and cops are after him, Can have Premonitions, and can call on the blood of the dragon, He is Highly Dangerous

Starting place: Bone Country

Desc. of what your char looks like: V V


What car you start with: V V, if i cannot have that car, i'll have a 2007 Jeep Commander instead


Job: Hitman


* Devoire = A Swedish Rifle, Can Rapid fire and can hit a small target from 300 feet

** Both Weapons become Different if Ryko Calls on the blood of the Dragon, i can remove the Blood of Dragon Ability if its far too powerful, 1 weapon is Modified to handle many Ammo Types

Blood of Dragon Differences: any bullet fired from the Devoire will become Dragon Sabot Rounds, Extremely powerful Rounds that Explode on Impact, Also the Rocket from the RPG will Split into 3 Rockets


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Ryko Hides his Truck in a Back alley, then gets out, all of sudden, 2 cop cars Park in front of Ryko and a Bunch of Cops Get out with Stun guns


Cop: Freeze!

Ryko: No thanks


The Cops fire their Stun guns, which Doesn't affect Ryko Much, all it was doing was feeding his rage


Ryko: Really, is that all you got


Ryko takes out his Devoire and Loads Sabot Rounds into it, and starts firing, Every 2 bullets caused an Explosion in front of the gun that knocked Ryko Back a little, but just 2 bullets were fired, Each at 1 cop car, causing them to Explode, Killing about 10 Cops

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