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[Star] Tribute Sig


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Contrary to what .SCARS says, it is not alright


It is as flat as a board that is extremely flat

The light is coming from some undisclosed location

He has a ghost with him for some reason, which if anything gets more attention than the focal

Colors don't blend in with the render at all

There is a mysterious shroud attempting to devour his hands

The text is beyond ugly, it doesn't blend at all, and the subtexts becomes nearly illegible


Overall, if I was Star I would merely wear it out of pity

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Border one with one pixel taken off. You really need to work on the text. I would have said drop it but this sig needs it. I cant read whats beneath YCM Moderator. His hand doesn't look like a hand at all. Which is creepy. I think the sig has one too many fractals.

The sig seems a little too grunge and busy. I think you should blur the background. this definitely isn't anywhere near your best sig. And stop using Yu-gi-oh Renders. PLEASE!

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