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jamief's Banlist of 2008

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Since u can scoop it up before Victory Dragon hits, it's one of the most stupid cards in this TCG just like the other promos with same effect even though they can't be used in duel.


ATM we have Gyzarus needing to be limited. With Disk Commander banned Malicious shouldn't really be semied but with Metamorphosis at onetwothree and Level3-Tuner out there, I think he should stay where he is.


I've allready proven Mask-Recycle is broken as I played it with 3 Magical Hat, 3 Dark Coffin, 3 The Statue of the Wicked, 3 Reckless Greed and 3 Good Goblin Housekeeping, 3 Solemn Judgment, 1 Crush Card Virus. In a slower Metagame this was like unbeatable, haha. But for real, some cards should stay semied even though I'm a 13133131313-Player.

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Since u can scoop it up before Victory Dragon hits' date=' it's one of the most stupid cards in this TCG just like the other promos with same effect even though they can't be used in duel.


ATM we have Gyzarus needing to be limited[b'] Here is where i stopped reading[/b]. With Disk Commander banned Malicious shouldn't really be semied but with Metamorphosis at onetwothree and Level3-Tuner out there, I think he should stay where he is.


I've allready proven Mask-Recycle is broken as I played it with 3 Magical Hat, 3 Dark Coffin, 3 The Statue of the Wicked, 3 Reckless Greed and 3 Good Goblin Housekeeping, 3 Solemn Judgment, 1 Crush Card Virus. In a slower Metagame this was like unbeatable, haha. But for real, some cards should stay semied even though I'm a 13133131313-Player.

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Oh yeah' date=' like Victory Dragon is very broken, and every Top 8 player runs it in their deck.


I can't use it when playing against my friends because they won't agree with using banned cards. They should have a special rule in Tournaments which prevent it's use, but still allow it in formal play.



The banlist only applies to officially sanctioned tournaments. Outside of those tournaments, the only rules that apply are those that you and your friends agree on.


So yes, they do have a special rule that bars it from use in tournaments without directly impacting anything else - namely, the banlist itself. Since your casual matches with friends are not officially sanctioned tournaments, nothing is forcing you to follow the banlist - unless, of course, you make it a house rule to do so, which you seem to have done.

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Yea that was becuz of Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror with percental 88% dark armed decks in the tournaments and gladiator was one of the unexpected decks besides gadget and monarch that wasn't depending on dark monsters actually.


it's easy to deal with 1 Gyzarus using cards such like BTH and he isn't as broken as DAD/JD/... since it's summon cost 2 cards, most of time he's destroyed by chained cards and you can't tag out. means sometimes -1, usually -0, rarely +1/+2

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I don't think it's all about advantage but I know that a failed Gyzarus usually leaves you with 3 cards in hand and nothing expressive on field. And with Test Tiger at 1 (like I mentioned in my banned) you won't get out Darius fetching up Bestiari before your Battle Phase that often. Plus without Monster Reborn at 1 or Book of Moon at 3 you won't be able to reuse Gyzarus effectively, too.

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At this point I'd like to say: "We'll see".


If the banned list will be looking whole different than mine, he probably could be banned. In a similar format to mine he wouldn't be a Gamewinner, at most a Gamebreaker that you could adapt yourself to and that wouldn't be bad for the meta.

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At this point I'd like to say: "We'll see".


If the banned list will be looking whole different than mine' date=' he probably could be banned. In a similar format to mine he wouldn't be a Gamewinner, at most a Gamebreaker that you could adapt yourself to and that wouldn't be bad for the meta.[/b']


What? I dont understand what you are saying

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At this point I'd like to say: "We'll see".


If the banned list will be looking whole different than mine' date=' he probably could be banned. In a similar format to mine he wouldn't be a Gamewinner, at most a Gamebreaker that you could adapt yourself to and that wouldn't be bad for the meta.



A Gamebreaker that wouldn't be bad for the meta?


Joke account.

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