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Contest - sub-type(while not really)


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HI, im gunna start a tournament where the idea is to make a card where somewhere in its effect, it is treated as both its origional type and the one inserted.


THIS IS A ONE DAY THING- because of the shortness of the contest here are the prizes:


1st: 20 points + 2 reps

2nd:10 points + 1 rep

3rd:5 points + 1 rep


an example would be:



type machine

Effect: this card is also treated as a ____-type



so far



3rd:redyear 20

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I'm in.


Effect: This monster is also treated as a Zombie-Type. If a DARK monster you control (Except this card) is destroyed by battle you can roll 1 six-sided die. Activate the following effect:

-1: Return the destroyed monster to your Deck. Your Deck is then Shuffled.

-2: Pay 1000 Life Points. Summon the destroyed monster to your field in face-up Defense Position.

-3: You gain Life Points equal to half the original ATK of the destroyed monster.

-4: Pay 600 Life Points. Summon a monster from your Deck with the same level as the destroyed monster.

-5: Discard the top 3 cards from your Deck. Summon to your field any normal monsters discarded by this effect.

-6: The destroyed monster is removed from play.

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Well, here is mine


This card is also treated as a Dragon type. This card accumulates effects according to the number of Dragon type monsters on your side of the field, excluding this one. At least 1: While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot declare attacks on Dragon type monsters. At least 2: Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 800. At least 3: Once per turn, you may destroy 1 Spell/Trap on your opponent's side of the field. At least 4: Gain 1000 Life Points per Standby Phase.

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i got 1



This cards type is also treated as Beast-Warrior. When this card destroyes a defence position monster by battle, Select 1 card in your oppnets hand, afterwards, your opponet chooses 1 of the following effects.

-Send the selected card to the graveyard.

-Shuffle the card into the owners Deck, then all players draw a card.

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