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The Spam Attack.

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Well, as you may have noticed, we have been introduced to a member named Joe Baxter. He has filled more than thirty minds with grotesque images, on a website where there are kids as young as the age of eight.


What's disappointing to me, is the lack of moderators during that time :




Now don't get me wrong, but our moderators are doing a fine job as it is, but I believe we need just a few more.


Plus, we need to help reinforce the rule of just reporting the thread, and not posting.


If you have any suggestions, or questions regarding this topic, please post here.



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I agree. We should get more mods also just report the thread and not post.


To report you have to see them. Even though I managed to report one without puking



He now has a double account called Barrack Obama. Do not click on any thread by Barrack Obama or Joe Baxter.

It's called "Hit the End Key." That way, you can go past the porn and hopefully see like only 1 second of it. Although you can always just look at his profile and see where he's posting.

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