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<<Pokevolution Module - Insectoid Zone>>


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In the wilderness of the world of Pokemon, there is a species of Pokemon that are icky and sticky and love to bug people, and this Pokemon species is known as the Insect Type. These Pokemon are generally found within forests and love to pop up at unexpected moments.




Once per turn, you can select 1 face-up monster on the field. Decrease the selected monster's ATK by 500 until the end of your opponent's next turn, if you use this effect this card cannot attack this turn. During your Standby Phase you can Special Summon 1 "Metapod" by equipping this card to the Special Summoned monster.



Metapod number 11

Once per turn, if you control this card you can equip it with a face-up "Caterpie" you control. If this card is equip with a "Caterpie" increase this card's ATK by 1100. This card is not destroyed as a result of battle (Battle Damage calculations apply as normal). During your 5th Standby Phase after this card was equipped with a "Caterpie" if there is a "Caterpie" equipped to this card you can Tribute this face-up card to Special Summon 1 "Butterfree" from your hand or Deck.



Cute Butterfree

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Metapod". This card is also treated as a Winged-Beast-Type monster. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Monster Card in your Graveyard to add 1 Confusion Counter to 1 face-up monster your opponent controls (Only 1 Confusion Counter per Monster). When a monster your opponent controls with a Confusion Counter attacks your opponent must flip a coin and call it. If your opponent calls it correctly, that monster can attack it's Attack Target. If your opponent calls it incorrectly, that monster must randomly attack 1 monster on the field except this card. If your opponent controls only 1 monster and it has a Confusion Counter on it and this is the only Monster Card you control, inflict half of your opponent monster's ATK to your opponent's Life Points as Direct Damage. By sending 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard you can negate the attack of 1 monster your opponent controls.


Kawaii Little Wurmple

If your opponent controls any Winged-Beast monsters they must select this card as an attack target. If this card is selected as an attack target, you can discard 1 card from your hand to halve the ATK of the attacking monster. During your next Standby Phase, you can flip a coin & activate the appropiate effect.

- Heads: Special Summon 1 "Silcoon" from your Hand or Deck.

- Tails: Special Summon 1 "Cascoon" from your Hand or Deck.


http://hitana.deviantart.com/art/Butterfree-48072334 Floral Abstract...

"Butterfree" + 1 Trainer-Type or Gym-Leader-Type monster.

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by sending the above cards from your field to your Graveyard. The ATK of this card is equal to the combined ATK of all face-up Insect-Type monsters you control. As long as you control this card all other Insect-Type monsters you control are in Defense Position and their Position cannot be changed except by a card effect. During each of your Standby Phases you can add 1 "Confusion Counter" to each monster your opponent controls. If this card declares an attack against a monster with a Confusion Counter, then your opponent must flip a coin and call it. If they call it correctly then this card is forced into Defense Position. If they call it wrong then inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of this card.[/align]

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