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The Great War (Army Version)


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There was once a time when Uhra and Khent lived in peace. These times are over. A man in golden armour rushes towards his death. Three swords pierce his stomach at the same time. Further back theres you. Just watched that man die. Now knowing that lines gone and your ones in. Prepare for, The Great War.


Hello, this is me new roleplay.

It has its own ranking system so prepare for war.





Jak199 - 9999





Entry Format



Charater name:

Soldier Number:


Appearance:(only if a Liutenant or higher)


Weapon: (only if Liutenant or higher)

News: Ranking system oblitarated.

Note: This is not like FFRs Roleplay

Username: Jak199

Charater name: Xara

Soldier Number: 46

Side: N/A

Appearance: 2duwqp.png

Bio: A man of few words. He is said to be the almighty one. He has a bottle with every persons life-force inside. But he chooses to leave them alone. He is hired at the moment by khent and is classed as an Immortal. None know him except for that fact.

Weapon: dnemc0.png

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Username: Tuffguy1992

Charater name: Brennan Cross

Soldier Number: :?

Side: Evil

Appearance:(only if a Liutenant or higher)


Bio: He fights alone, but he is not a guerilla. Over the years, he was trained by the forces of evil and was destined to become the Ultamite One. He plans on meeting Xara and serving him.

Weapon: (only if Liutenant or higher)


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Username: Minatocloud

Charater name: Jacob

Soldier Number: ZERO

Side: Uhra

Appearance:(only if a Liutenant or higher) ninja2.jpg

Bio: Lived in the mountains his whole life and doesnt get along well with others, silent and shy but always gets the mission done.

Weapon: (only if Liutenant or higher) Bow and Arrow (Archer) and uses his trained Falcon

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Username: Cameronsdog

Charater name: Cameron J. Dog

Soldier Number:13



Bio: (im gussing you expected a bio here but no you dont get a bio instead you get this.) Spending mainy years with freinds he has used his magical abilitys for fun simply and it alwas has been fun until the war started and he was drafted as a Liutenant due to his high IQ

Weapon: Water/Wind Magiclongswordbysunaletremb6.jpg

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Lost Odyssey FTW!

Username: BlueKyubbi
Character Name: Morgana Argonar
Soldier Number: 7
Side: Uhra
Appearance: [url]http://darkermusings.deviantart.com/art/Fall-From-Grace-57114209[/url]
Bio: Can I put this in later? 'Cause it's 5:10 am wher I am, and I need sleep.
Weapon: [url]http://skino.deviantart.com/art/katana-27814976[/url]
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Ooc: Which side is which?


Brennan sits on the riverside, throwing rocks in the rushing water beneath him with the flick of a wrist. He hears noise nearby. He stands up and walks toward it, being careful not to be spotted.

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After the man left the city cameron apeared in front of him. "Were are you running of to?" cameron asked couruisly. Holding up a book cameron looked at the man. "Tell me your name i need somthing to recongnize you by when you die." reading from the book water from the nearby vegitation and surrounding his feat.


OoC: you created the pic in your entry form ^.^

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"Im saying that im im now going to kill you. and i need to know what to put on your tombstone." Speaking in a foreign launguge water rose frm the ground and aproached the man.


OoC: the pic with the eagle and your post

*A falcon comes and lands on Jacob*

Jacob: Yeah buddy....Ok thanks. *takes off sprinting*

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Ooc: jak deleted the ranks. How am I supposed to know what I have?


Brennan stares back. He lowers his bow and takes out his spear.

"I won't let you die of unawareness." He said, "Now show me your skill!"

He waits for cameron's reaction...

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