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reaper contest 6 reps for winner only winner anouncement


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This card cannon be normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned by removing 3 monsters with reaper in their name in the graveyard from play. You may sacrifice 2 other monsters with reaper in their name from your side of the field to allow this card to attack your opponent directly.


I've never posted in the forums before but I'll take any criticism happily

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imma gonna add a new one to the mix, if thats all right.




This card cannot be special summoned from the graveyard. Once per turn, this card can destroy one face-up card on the field. When this card is destroyed by an opponent's card effect, you can special summon Zombie type monsters from your graveyard whose attack is equal to or less than this card's ATK when it was destroyed.

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This card cannot be special summoned or normal summoned, If you do so this card is destroyed.In order to summon this card, you'll have to tribute and remove 3 monsters with the name "Reaper" in its name from play.This card cannot be destroyed in a result of battle. When this card is summoned by this card's effect remove all cards from your and your opponents graveyard.Increase 500 ATK and 500 DEF for every card removed. Effects of cards,traps and spell cards are automaticly negated and destroyed when this card is in the field.



LOL this should be in completed contest though. becuase i thought it would still be goin. :P

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