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Ryko Climbs a Tree nearby Camp Farko, then He Tosses the Last dung Bomb he had at Cody, Covering him in Tiger Dung, then He goes Back to Camp Goutoma and to His Tent, Then He Breaks a Rock in Half, Makes 2 Cups and Fills it with a Vine, then Seals it with Vine-Weave, Then Does the Same thing, Except He Puts Dung in there then Seals it with Tree Sap


Ryko: Do you want to know how i make these?

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Ryko: Okay, You Break a Rock in Half, then using another Rock, Grind the Rock Halves until you made 2 Cups, Then it Depends on the Filling, If you want a Dung Bomb, Fill both Cups with Dung, then Seal it with tree Sap, if you want Smoke Bombs, Put a Dry Vine in a cup, then Cover it with Vine-Weave, which is a Net made of Vines, and Tie it up


Ryko Sees Rocks coming at him, but Caught them

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Ryko Runs into the Forest and Climbs on the Tree Nearest to the Farko Camp, he did not run into Cody


Ryko: How do you Like these apples


Ryko throws The Smoke Bomb, it hit the Ground, Covering the Camp in Smoke, Then he tosses all the Bombs he has in the Air, Landing at Various places in the Farko Camp, then he Hurries back, in which he did not run into Cody

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Ryko: Okay Gary


Ryko Goes back to Camp, but He Ran into a Tiger


Ryko: Holy!


The Tiger Charges at Ryko, but instead of mauling him, It Licked Ryko, as it turned out, It was the Tiger Ryko threw the Dung bomb on Earlier, Ryko Wiped the Dung off of the Tiger, then the Tiger became Ryko's Pet, Ryko Mounts the Tiger and Goes to Camp Goutoma


Ryko: I Adopted a Pet on my way home, Its Name is Kira


Ryko Gives his Pet Tiger some Fish, in which it ate

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Ryko Chops Some Wood and Makes a Large Spear, Then Ryko and Kira Charged into the Woods and went to the Lake, The Tiger was Drinking some water, while Ryko was Spear Fishing, He Stabs a Large Fish and Brings it up and Gives it to Kira, which She ate it, then Ryko Lets Kira Go with a Collar on Her, Hunters cannot kill Tigers with that collar

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Cody:Me & Matt will go find some food' date='chandler,you stay here


Cody & Matt found some fish,Matt got mauled by a bear,then Cody killed the bear & brought everything back.

Chandler:What happened to Matt?

Cody:He got mauled by a bear.




OOC: What does "mauled" mean?

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