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Ryko Wakes up and had another Premonition


Ryko: I'm going to need to eat a good lunch and open up to a Several Felynes* to get my Chain Blitz** and some of my armor


OoC: MHF2 References

*Felyne = White Cats that Talk, DO NOT anger these, they Throw Barrel bombs at you if angered, Makes Great workers

**Chain Blitz = A Primative Machine Crossbowgun, it Rapid fires Normal Ammo and it is made out of Stone and Either Iron or Monster bones

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Ryko: Great, heres the News, Some Wyveren appeared and will arrive after Lunchtime, I'm guessing it is a Yian Kut-ku* and will be somewhat hard to kill, oh hunting the Breakfast, This will be fast


Ryko goes into the Forest and Hunts a Duck for Breakfast



OoC: Another Reference

*Yian Kut-ku = a Large Bird-like Wyveren with Pink or Blue Skin, Breathes Fire and Flies, Beak is used in hammers and Certain weapons, Ears used in Crossbowguns, Wing webbing is used for clothing and is better than Animal Skin, Armor made from this has Fire Resistance

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Ryko: This


Ryko Reaches to his back and pulls out a Sophisticated looking Vertical Crossbow, except it has Bullets and a Long Pipe


Ryko: This is a Chain Blitz, It is a Machine Crossbowgun made from Stones and Monster bones, it comes with Normal Bullets that it Rapid fires, the bullets are just made out of Wood Spikes with Nitrogunpowder on the back with a Detachable Shell made of Monster bone

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