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o0O Naruto ~:~ Evolution of a Ninja (Started : PM me all new entries) O0o

Luna Diviner

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OoC : She'll come crawling back soon enough. But theres 1 way she'll comeback.

(Tsuma ran through a universal portal (cool) and saw Meti unconscious, he plunged his kunai in his heart. "That should fix it". He got hold of Kat and kicked her through the portal. She sprayed Mira with a gas making her forgot everything she saw a few minutes ago.) <- Well I wish it was that easy. Crossovers yeah. Maybe RP's where you gut nailed (not by a ninja weapon, if you know what I mean.) is funner then this? We'll never know.

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OoC : Knowing how in detail we are, it will take us about 4 pages to say what happens between this part and the fight in the Prologue of the Sequel, and it did say Rokujo was in the Hospital for a few days. So we could do a lot and then comeback here, just so you know.


"What was that?" asked Tsuma and he turned around to see Namra. "There he is!" he said, pointing at a bush.

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Ooc: Alright I'm not grounded anymore. Lets do this!


Shigami appears from the bush, setting it on fire with a dark flame, however not burning it.

"Hyoma! You will be mine!"

His eyes turned white, contrasting with his dark body. Dark flames outline his figure.

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