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o0O Naruto ~:~ Evolution of a Ninja (Started : PM me all new entries) O0o

Luna Diviner

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"Well Tsuma, if you're going to use your Kekki Genkai, then I'll use mine, Hoshigan." his chakra grew and his pupils turned pure purple. "Fire Release : Pin-Point Puncture!" his fingers began glowing a warm red and he speedily began hitting Rokujo at 24 different points over and over again. "This move is mean't to calm you down and the heat generated by my fingers will cause it to be even more relaxing, BUT, if I hit harder and faster, it will turn from relaxing to extremely painful!"

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"........I...will...kill...ALL OF YOU!!!!" Roared Rokujo, then punched Tsuma in the face and he fell to the ground. "AND YOU!!!!! YOU CALL ME A FREAK, AND WHY!?!?!?! IS IT CAUSE I'M DIFFERENT?!?!?! Then Rokujo commanded the Dragon to attack the unknow person. " ATTACK DARK FIRE DRAGON!!"

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"SORRY, YOUR LITTLE TRICK DOESN'T WORK AGAINST THE DARK SHINRA BANSHO!!!!!" Roared Rokujo, then, with all of the sudden, his good side came out. "I...will...not let......THE DAKNESS TAKE OVER ME!!" Then Rokujo took all the dark flames and all his jutsus he used into his body. "Ugh HACK!!! COUGH COUGH COUGH!!!!! BLECH!!!" Rokujo lost up so much blood that he fainted and fell down about 50 feet to the ground.

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"I can't believe I let her pay....." Ramza muttered as he walked out with Yata to see that the village was on fire, "Rokujo....." he thought as he took to the roof tops. "With each step I take Kat could be in more and more danger" were his thoughts as he activated his kekkai genkai, "If it's that same thing from before I'm going to have to use it......"

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OOC: My character isn't there yet so he wouldn't know



Ramza took out his lute as soon as he saw that the battle was over, he sat down on the rooftop he stopped on and started to play, as if it was to clear the mood, Yata sat down next to him as he played the tune.

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Ramza changed his song to the tune of the music box, trying to match it as Yata climbed up on his shoulder, soon he appeared behind Kat, "So what did I miss" he said while he continued playing.....

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"We might not have to, remember that seed I gave Yata, they work on humans but take a bit more then 1 to work, I got 6 left, and maybe just maybe it will heal him enough so he doesn't have to go" Ramza said as he stopped playing and grabbed the small black bag from his back pocket, he soon tossed it to Kat.

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