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My deck for sneak preview ^-^

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well our local sneak preview come around this sunday, at it contains mostly people from our local cardshop, which has seen me use my cloudian burn to many times (its not suckish) so now I made a deck to use for the sneak peek ^-^ (with limited resources)


[align=center]Tribute Monsters (13)


|2| Guardian of Order

|2| Kuraz the Light Monarch

|2| Cyber Dragon

|2| Light and Darkness Dragon

|3| Caius the Shadow Monarch

|1| Mobius the Frost Monarch

|1| Raiza the Storm Monarch


Non-Tribute Monsters (9)


|3| Cyber Valley

|1| The Calculator

|1| Treeborn Frog

|1| Snipe Hunter

|1| Spirit Reaper

|1| Sangan

|1| Card Trooper


Spells (11)


|2| Soul Exchange

|1| Mystical Space Typhoon

|1| Enemy Controller

|1| Premature Burial

|1| Heavy Storm

|1| Scapegoat

|1| Brain Control

|1| Pot of Avarice

|1| Monster Reborn

|1| Lighting Vortex


Traps (7)


|2| By Order of the Emperor

|2| Limit Reverse

|1|Torrential Tribute

|1| Mirror Force

|1| Phoenix Wing Wind Blast


Side Deck


|2| The Calculator

|2| Cyber Dinosaur

|1| Dragonic Knight

|1| Tualatin

|2| Light of Redemption

|2| Monster Gate

|1| Reasoning

|1| DDR Different Dimension Reincarnation

|1| Lightning Vortex

|1| Giant Trunade

|1| Black Horn of Heaven





I am not rich, do not have solemns or thestolos[/align]



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