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Crimson Duelists


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This is a special group deevoted to special advanced yugioh sets. If you want to join, I expect that you only make special new yugioh sets with certain conditions to join. You may make other sets, but they will not recieve the benefits of this group.




1. Must incorporate RULES cards.


These are either a normal magic or trap that has effects that remain active for the rest of the duel. I require no less than 5 such rules cards in each set.


2. Must incorpororate ATTACHMENT cards.


Attachment cards are special equip cards that take up no NORMAL m/t spaces. Instead, they look at the equipped monsters levels, and use that as reference for it's own special levels in exact equivalence.


For example, a lv5 monster would allow 5 attachement levels. However, you can have effects allowing more 'Attachement' levels as you wish, unlimited infact(that would probably be an ultra or secret...)


I require at least 5 attachment cards per set.

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