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Spot the 10 problems and win 350 points

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No Stratos to search out Malicious' or Disk Commander

No Fear Monger to help get back Disk Commander

Needs Destiny Draw if you are going for an APC approach

Mobius should be Thestalos

Only 39 cards

Reckless Greed should be maxed

Needs RotA for Stratos and Spell Striker

No Heavy Storm

No Torrential Tribute

Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter is in without a purposeful mill

Take out 1 Lightning Vortex

Take out SMashing Ground.

Take out PWWB

Deck:19 should be Deck: 39

Monsters should have a number


Just Some Guesses

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1. Deck only has 39 cards

2. Mobius needs to go

3. No way to really dump Malicious

4. Disk with only 2 ways to SS it

5. Needs Foolish for Malicious and Treeborn

6. Only 2 Reckless Greeds, 3 or none

7. Soul Exchange really isn't needed because of the easy fodder gainage

8. No Heavy Storm

9. No Thesty in a monarch deck

10. No Limit Reverses

11. Stratos can be used to get disk or mal in hand



Thats my first go around, can i try again if i dont get all 10

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1. Deck only has 39 cards

2. Mobius needs to go

3. No way to really dump Malicious

4. Disk with only 2 ways to SS it

5. Needs Foolish for Malicious and Treeborn

6. Only 2 Reckless Greeds' date=' 3 or none

7. Soul Exchange really isn't needed because of the easy fodder gainage

8. No Heavy Storm

9. No Thesty in a monarch deck

10. No Limit Reverses

11. Stratos can be used to get disk or mal in hand



Thats my first go around, can i try again if i dont get all 10



12. Deck needs to be labeled with the correct number of cards

13. PWWB isn't really needed for the fact that it hurts your advantage

14. Ryko only has 2 good mill targets and isn't needed

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1. Deck only has 39 cards

2. Mobius needs to go

3. No way to really dump Malicious

4. Disk with only 2 ways to SS it

5. Needs Foolish for Malicious and Treeborn

6. Only 2 Reckless Greeds' date=' 3 or none

7. Soul Exchange really isn't needed because of the easy fodder gainage

8. No Heavy Storm

9. No Thesty in a monarch deck

10. No Limit Reverses

11. Stratos can be used to get disk or malicous

12. Deck needs to be labeled with the correct number of cards

13. PWWB isn't really needed for the fact that it hurts your advantage

14. Ryko only has 2 good mill targets and isn't needed

15. Caius and Thesty need to be maxed out

16. Spell Strikers can go for Spys

17. Dustshoot could help

18. Mole is iffy, more splashy if anything

19. Could use LJM for some stall


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Last shot

1. Deck only has 39 cards

2. Mobius needs to go

3. No way to really dump Malicious

4. Disk with only 2 ways to SS it

5. Needs Foolish for Malicious and Treeborn

6. Only 2 Reckless Greeds' date=' 3 or none[/b']

7. Soul Exchange really isn't needed because of the easy fodder gainage

8. No Heavy Storm

9. No Thesty in a monarch deck

10. No Limit Reverses

11. Stratos can be used to get disk or malicous

12. Deck needs to be labeled with the correct number of cards

13. PWWB isn't really needed for the fact that it hurts your advantage

14. Ryko only has 2 good mill targets and isn't needed

15. Caius and Thesty need to be maxed out

16. Spell Strikers can go for Spys

17. Dustshoot could help

18. Mole is iffy, more splashy if anything

19. Could use LJM for some stall

20. No TT


We have a winner

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