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I got nominated? Better keep it up then! (Calling God Pikachu)

Ultimate Ryan

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God Pikachu it was you that nominated me for pop culture right?

well for thenew ycm awards I was nominated for pop culture so I better keep up my pop culture! Now I added a new twist to kirby cardmaking, now it is Legend of Zelda's turn ^-^ presenting legend of zelda cards!!!


As long as this card is face-up your opponent cannot select any other card as an attack target. When this card destroys a monster by battle add 1 Triforce Counter to this card. This card gains ATK equal to the number of Triforce Counters on this card x200. You can remove 2 Triforce Counters from this card when your opponent declares an attack, negate the attack and end your opponent's Battle Phase. When this card is destroyed by battle add 1 LIGHT/Level 3/Warrior-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.


This card is also treated as Spellcaster-Type. When Warrior-Type monster you control destroys a monster by battle put 1 Triforce Counter on this card. You can Remove up to 3 Triforce Counter to activate the following effects depending on the number of Triforce Counters removed from this card (effects do stack)

-1 - Discard 1 Warrior-Type monster to draw 1 card.

-2 - Tribute 1 monster you control (except this card), Special Summon 1 "Link, Sword Hero" from your hand or Deck.

-3 - Remove Triforce Counters from this card until there are 0, place this card on the bottom of your Deck and Special Summon 1 "Sheik, Royal Ninja" and place Triforce Counters on it equal to the number of Triforce Counters removed by this effect.


This card gains ATK equal to the number of Triforce Counters on the field x100. This card can attack directly. When this card a dealt 2000 or more Life Points in Battle Damage, during your End Phase place this card on the bottom of your Deck and Special Summon 1 "Elogant Princess, Zelda" from your hand or Deck.






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