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How to make Cards Multicolored using Paint

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Do you want to make your card Like this



Then follow these steps.


(1) Make a card mine is an effect.

(2) Make another card and have it have the same name Mine is a Ritual

(3) Copy both cards and paste them in Paint

(4) Cut the pic out of 1 card and get rid of it.

(5) Cut the effect out of it and get rid of it too.

(6) Use the selecting tool and move half the card too the other car.

(7) Click the button where you cant see the white.

(*8*) Save it too your computer.


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(1) Make a card mine is an effect.

(2) Make another card and have it have the same name Mine is a Ritual

(3)Open one of the cards

(4)press edit and paste from and select the other card

(5)press the select tool and look on the left side and click the second button

(6) Cut the half of 1 card and move it over the other half until it aligns.

(7)Cut the effect out of it and paste it over the half and half card's effect box.

(*8*) Save it too your computer.

for trap cards and spells cards,if you make a spell-trap combination nothing is needed,but for traps or spell-monsters,you need to make sure the the trap-spell is on the left side and that the monsters stars doesn't go into it unless you know how to add stars.


and thats how you do it.

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