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Many years ago the world was a war torn battle feild consiting of many armies and races. There were the Mortals, The Branded, Demons, Shadows and many others but those are only a few but not neccecarly the most important infact The to main Races were the Human Kingdom and the Tempest tribes. After hundreads of years the Races selted on a trhuth and divided the world among them. Now even futher ahead in the timeline begains the Era of the gold moon. The gold moon whitch only apears once in a millenium is said to be the sighn of the Apocalypse although not true It does increse the streangh of the humans to increadable proportians. Making them demi gods. Knowing this the humans plan to take control of the world and erase the other races from history. although the tempest kingdom shall not stand with this treachery and take action.



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Things to know

1: Tempest and Branded are alies, as well as the elven and humans

2: the Tempest are wind based beings and the branded are animal human crose breads.

3:If you die you can create a new charecter but he must have something related to the dead char.

4: you may be of mixed blood but the two must be allies ir demon.



1: No god moding

2: Moderate flaming

3: Look if you ask me rps are ment for fun and therfore i ask that you detail your posts although some times it can be acceptable

4: no spammy posts they ruin an rp


[spoiler=RP'ers][spoiler=elfen][spoiler=Funk*Lord]Name: William

Age: 25

Race:(Tempest,Human,Demon,Branded,Elfen) Elfen

Apearence: Tall with blonde hair, strong

weapon: Bow and longsword

Bio: Son of elfen king

Skills: Perfect shot with bow

Other: None



[spoiler=cameronsdog]Name: Cameron J Dog

Age: 400

Race:(Tempest,Human,Demon,Branded,Elfen) Tempest/Branded



Bio: The first King of the tempest Tribes with Branded blood. Durring his child hood he learned many things about the world that many didnt for hes long life due to he,s mixed blood although only seeing part of the great war he knew almost everything about war how it was pointless and un needed but he knew it couldnt be avoided At the age of 137 he proposed to be king of the tempest tribes. All agreed it didnt matter if he wasnt a full fleged tempest or branded he was the right person.

Skills: Very High IQ, Also very quick.

Other: Like art in everything

[spoiler=Ultimate ryan]Name: Ryan

Age: 13

Race: Tempest


Shy n' Sad Lonely Winged Human

weapon: Razor sharp feathers

Bio: Ryan is gifted Tempest who's parents were taken by the human's when he was young. He has learned very little magic, like how to control his wings better than most other Tempest. He can make his wings completely dissapear or shoot out sharp feathers as weapons.

Skills: Magic

Other: is partly neutral, just wants peace



[spoiler=Human][spoiler=wuja]Name: Lord Nicolas

Age: 27

Race:(Tempest,Human,Demon,Branded,Elfen): Human

Apearence: Long black hair, about 190 cm tall

Weapon: 2x Steel Sword, Crossbow

Bio: A brave leader, he rules over a county in the Human Kingdom. But he is still young, with alot to learn.

Skills: Whirlwind (whirl in the air with swords, damaging multiple enemies), Deadeye Shot (improved hit chance with crossbow for 1 shot)

Other: Is a very good friend with Human and Elven king.


[spoiler=Demon][spoiler=Tuffguy 1992]Name: Diogus Syralokas

Age: 21


Appearence: 8 foot, red, right arm is 3x as thick as left arm, horns are 3 feet in length, 12 foot wingspan, tail 6 feet in length.

Weapon: Red axe, edge is silver and can cut through steel, handle carved from human bones.

Bio: He was the servant of Satan himself, but was banished for being disloyal and fended for himself. After a while in the woods, he was found and raised by Hades and has grown strong enough to destroy Satan for good...or evil!

Skills: Speed and strength are great, agility is not so good, speech is meh.

Other: None




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Name: Ryan

Age: 13

Race: Tempest


Shy n' Sad Lonely Winged Human

weapon: Razor sharp feathers

Bio: Ryan is gifted Tempest who's parents were taken by the human's when he was young. He has learned very little magic, like how to control his wings better than most other Tempest. He can make his wings completely dissapear or shoot out sharp feathers as weapons.

Skills: Magic

Other: is partly neutral, just wants peace

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Name: Lord Nicolas

Age: 27

Race:(Tempest,Human,Demon,Branded,Elfen): Human

Apearence: Long black hair, about 190 cm tall

Weapon: 2x Steel Sword, Crossbow

Bio: A brave leader, he rules over a county in the Human Kingdom. But he is still young, with alot to learn.

Skills: Whirlwind (whirl in the air with swords, damaging multiple enemies), Deadeye Shot (improved hit chance with crossbow for 1 shot)

Other: Is a very good friend with Human and Elven king.

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cool then


Ryan looked around, he felt a presence. He used a spell to search the area, and found a disturbance, "I must go" he said depressed and angry. Ryan went to pack the very few items he owned, and he let his wings flow from his back. He then took flight, and got smaller and smaller until he was barely see able.

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OoC: Ok here I go


Nicolas was playing chess with one of his captains. "Knight on H 1!" said Nicolas. "I win." He went to his personal part of the castle, where he usually polished his swords or practiced against a dummy. It was dummy time this day! "One, two, three, whirlwind!" he talked to himself.

He sheathed back his swords and walked out of his practice grounds, heading to the Dining Hall.

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Ryan noticed the castle, "I must have strayed to far, I should hide in the clouds, I wonder if they're taking prisoners or just going strait to execution with Tempest?" Ryan though thinking maybe, just maybe his parents could be there. Ryan flew behind some clouds so the humans could not see him.

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It had seemed like just yesterday that the peace treaty was sighned when in truth thrats not true. it was more than 200 years ago. Now He couldnt beleive what would happen. "the era of the gold moon." Said cameron looking up. Cameron sat down on his be and thought. 'Since when did the moon become gold?' Cameron then opoened up a book on the foot of his bed and begain to read.CH 1 the moon. "Nope." said cameron looking for information on the gold moon. Cameron shook his head not knowing what to do yet. but knowing they wouldnt attack until the arivel of the blue moon.

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Cameron got of his bed and begain walking dow a hall "I must do somthing to sidetrack my mind." Entering a large training room cameron sighed. Walking to the dummy futherst away from the door Cameron drew his sword and begain Attacking it. the only problem with dummies is that they dont fight back. ushering a spell Cameron pointed his fingure at the dummy tearing it of its stand with wind. "Yawn" cameron daighed and exited the room.

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"Tempest don't usually live here so I should be safe from some of the Tempest's cannibalistic nature." Ryan thought, "I believe my only threats here are the humans and eagles, both which I can beat them in speed, so I'm good. It'll be a long night, i should stay atleast half awake to guard myself."

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Cameron walked outside. Cameron then started to whimper at the though of another great war. Back in his room cameron discoverd that the gold moon whould come around for ten years in one Week. "Its just such a horrible time frame. I cant do anything. But sit here and lead." cameron started to cry. it is not phisical pain that bothered him though it was emotional. Cameron climbed a ladder on the side of the castle to get to the roof. Because when you can fly with the Wind you never realize that man is stuck on the ground.

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Cameron looked up an the night sky and pondered his parents. One branded, the other a tempest. This is were he got his strength. With animal and tempest blood both working together. Pearing of into the distance he saw the edge of the human kingdom. "Its so nice." he said and as so he fell asleep.

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Name: Diogus Syralokas

Age: 21


Appearence: 8 foot, red, right arm is 3x as thick as left arm, horns are 3 feet in length, 12 foot wingspan, tail 6 feet in length.

Weapon: Red axe, edge is silver and can cut through steel, handle carved from human bones.

Bio: He was the servant of Satan himself, but was banished for being disloyal and fended for himself. After a while in the woods, he was found and raised by Hades and has grown strong enough to destroy Satan for good...or evil!

Skills: Speed and strength are great, agility is not so good, speech is meh.

Other: None

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Alright! I shall begin...


Standing atop a huge boulder, Diogus' gaze met the view of a faraway kingdom in the distance. His wings were folded, looking like an M from behind. His bulging right hand stood fisted on the rock, leaving a small crack. His eyes suddenly meet a moving spec just past the kingdom.


"Humans..." he said, "Young...or old...?"


He looked back at the dark forest behind him, then turned back toward the spec. He took flight and swooped down, matching the form of the hills...

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"What the ****?" said cameronn waking up to see a figure flying toworeds The human kingdoms. Apon closer inspection he realized that the figure was a demon. Getting up cameron took of his robe and folded it. Spreading his wings He went in for a closer inspection. Minding to stay in the clouds to avoid detection.

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As the demon gained speed, it notices the spec dissapearing into the clouds. It slows, draining the sound of it's wings to listen for the hidding figure.


"HUMAN...!" He roars, "COME...OUT!"


He inhales a massive breath, bringing the clouds to him and forming to enter it's nostrols. Before all of it was inhaled, Diogus exhaled, seeing the figure with its wings spread. Diogus held his axe firmly, for if it was a normal axe, he would shatter it. He growled, and charged toward the figure...


OOC: Am I being a little unfair?

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OoC: a smigeit


IC: Seeing the figure charge at him cameron clearly realized that this was definatly a demon, a big, fairly scary looking demon. Ushering a spell cameron waved his hand as if swating a flie creating current in the air. flieing down wards he unsheethed his sword and prepared for an attack

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