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What do you think about the YCM members?

Crystal Alien

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I'd break it down like this.


Alot of members (who accually stay here after 5 post) are nice people.

I love all the members of YCM. Nuff Said ;)


You're gay! O.O I don't think I want to be be around you.















I like the ones who like Death Metal!


And the ones who haven't blocked me on MSN!

Oh I bet that is down to a very small number....


Actually lots of members like death metal' date=' even though he did calle me a fat lard.


However I'm sure that loads of people have blocked KA flame.



What? Comon baby I said I was sorry...what the hell do you want?!?


@KA: If I felt like making a MSN I wouldn't block yah.

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YCM is full of idiots

Idiots who call other people idiots

And idiots who complain about other people being idiots in an idiotic fashion




Don't forget the ever so popular idiot who gets mad at another idiot for calling an idiot an idiot for being an idiot.

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