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Kunai with Chain ( god send in disguise or just rubish )

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what common card is used alot in dad to lock your opponent down even more berofre dad hits the field? well its crush and malicious play which you can chain by increasing malicious atk so crush then has no target hop4ly. so of course would this card is most likely side material

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Guest PikaPerson01

what common card is used alot in dad to lock your opponent down even more berofre dad hits the field? well its crush and malicious play which you can chain by increasing malicious atk so crush then has no target hop4ly. so of course would this card is most likely side material


Crush Card Virus's cost is... a cost. Malicious goes to the graveayard before you ever get a chance to respond with an effect.

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Old card is ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold.


It's Japan only card was first released in Joey Structure Deck, in the same Year when the game was introduced to the public in Japan.


This card should been made in english before Enemy Controller was a common in The Dark Emperor.


Now, it's just useless junk.

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This > Enemy Controller cause it cal also give a 500 attack boost


It's all about chainability in this format.


This card's effect to change a monster into def mode is NOT chainable, and that's why it pretty much sucks. 500 boost is chainable, but that's useless if it will be destroyed anyway.

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Guest PikaPerson01

This card came about 5 years too late.


I remember the look on my friend's face when he pulled it though. He said: "What the hell!? Kunai with Chain? What!?"

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