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A new Destiny Zombie Build


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Well, not that much a Destiny Zombie Build, but meh.


Deck: 40


Monsters: 17


2| Destiny Hero - Dasher

2| Destiny Hero - Malicious


3| Zombie Master

3| Goblin Zombie

3| Mezuki

2| Summon Priest

1| Elemental Hero Stratos

1| Destiny Hero - Disk Commander


Spells: 17


3| Card of Safe Return

3| Book of Life

3| Zombie World

2| Destiny Draw

2| Foolish Burial

1| Creature Swap

1| Heavy Storm

1| Monster Reborn

1| Premature Burial


Traps: 6


3| Solemn Judgment

2| Limit Reverse

1| Crush Card Virus


Fixes only please.

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looks solid' date=' but i wouldnt run limit reverse, u have enough reborn power plus it only has 2 targets (i dont know summon priest's attack). Id drop for a torrential and a force



Priest has 800/1600, so it's usable with Limit Reverse AND CCV. I'll test the Deck out and see if I need to make those fixes ^_^


Thanks anyways JoC ^_^

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