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My first cards! Kirby Fusions!


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Credit to Deviantart member nilesfire for the image



credit to deviantart member spookydoom for the image


(Megaman Kirbys effect mimics a charge shot)


credit to deviantart member rainingblood for the image



credit to deviantart member pumpkinhat for the image


(Kakashi Kirbys effect mimics the lightning blade)


credit to deviantart member lewis jj for the image


(Mario Kirbys effect mimics the fireballs burn)


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first, dont put these () for the materials


Second, ONLY PUT ONE TYPE, unless you put in the card text: This face-up card is also treated as a _____-type


it really doesn't matter, but a funfact is that kirby can't talk(real words).


tips for better written cards:


inuyasha: When this card is Summoned, select one Effect monster card on your opponents side of the feild. This cards effect is now the same as the selected card in addition to this effect: This face-up card is not affected by your opponents(or both of you if you want) Spell Cards.


Megaman: When this card is Summoned, select one Effect monster card on your opponents side of the feild. This cards effect is now the same as the selected card in addition to this effect: ONce per turn, by paying 300 life points(better grammer if you write it out) to increase this monsters ATK by 500 points until your End Phase.


Yugi: When this card is Summoned, select one Effect monster card on your opponents side of the feild. This cards effect is now the same as the selected card in addition to this effect: Once per turn, you can Special Summon a monster card from your hand at the cost of 500(200 is too low for a special summon)lifepoints x the monsters stars.


Kakashi: When this card is Summoned, select one Effect monster card on your opponents side of the feild. This cards effect is now the same as the selected card in addition to this effect: Once per turn, you can flip 2 coins. If both results are head, destroy one monster card on your opponents side of the feild.


Mario: When this card is Summoned, select one Effect monster card on your opponents side of the feild. This cards effect is now the same as the selected card in addition to this effect: Once per turn, flip 1 coin. If heads, place 1 counter on one monster card on the feild. If tails, remove 1 counter on one monster on the feild. Monster cards lose 200 ATK and DEF per counter on them. This cards effect does not effect monster effects that have Counter Limits.


Thank You. Good Night. I'll be here all week.

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