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Mystical Space Typhoon Alternative

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I was looking at my deck and was wondering what would be a good alternative for Mystical Space Typhoon as it is actually not as good as it sounds.


So can you help me out here and post a spell or trap card that would be a good alternative for Mystical Space Typhoon?


I'll give 10 points to the first one who gives a good card that I think would work!



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"You can only activate this card when your opponent has 3 or more spell and traps on the field. Destroy one spell or trap on the field."




"Pay 500 lifepoints, destroy one face-up spell or trap on the field."


Dust Tornado.


"Destroy one spell or trap on the field. Then, you can set one spell or trap from your hand."

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MST should stay UNLESS your taking it out for a card that doesn't destroy magic/traps.
Other than that' date=' really why take out mst.[/quote']
I have the best one!!! Ooh ooh pick me!!!!


It's.......... Mystical Space Typhoon!

actually' date=' MST is really good.[/quote'][/align]


[align=center]I want to take out MST beczause it only destroys the spell or trap but it doesn't negate it.

I want a card that will destroy the spell or trap and also negate it's effect but I think i've settled on two twisters.[/align]



I have a card that I made' date=' its called "Overload Space typhoon"


good luck with it [/quote']


I said before that I wanted to know of REAL cards.

I said before that I wanted to know of REAL

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HORUS' date=' please get rid of shoop de whoop. It's annoying.



correction, its not annoying, its hilarious.



but really, MST is much better than twister and Dust Tornado because with Twister, you have to pay, and with Dust Tornado, you have to set it before using it.

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