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[DISC] Destiny Hero - Malicious

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It was banned because of the pure power of Destiny Hero Monarchs, back when Disk Commander and Snipe Hunter was at three, and Raiza has just been released. It was popular to run three Disk Commander, three Raizas, three Fear Mongers, three Snipe Hunters, and three Destiny Draws. You think it's not deserving of being Semi-Limited?

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Does this deserve to be semi limited? IMO no' date=' cause its only a 1 tribute 800/600 that can search itself out after its been in the grave.only really uses are Destiny Draw and Allure. IMO this should be at 3. Discuss.



I'd say it still needs Semi-Limiting. At 3s you could D-Draw and then get a free Special Summon, sac for a Jinzo/Monarch, and then get another free Special Summon and CCV your opponent, it would be too versatile and easy to use at 3s, but would be unusable at 1, so I'm alright with where it stands as of now.

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It's fine at 2, but it's also fine at 3. Semi'ing it is whlely unnecessary. And using cards that should be banned and likely will be banned next list like CCV doesn't support your answer. Not to mention, there are plenty of other monster that you can tribute for CCV. hell, you can summon a DD Crow and tribute it.

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Guest PikaPerson01

use foolsih burial to send him to grave' date='then remove itto summon copy,then use copy for free tribute...



I don't see you campaigning for a limit on Fiend Sanctuary if all your worried about is a free tribute summon.

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