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points have been given back to all of you. cancelled contest. lock and put in complete please, thank you!


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[align=center]Ryan has his card >:] Bow down to "Dracon Asperity, the Blazing Vituperate"!!!!

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This card cannot be Special Summoned except by its own effect. This card can be Special Summoned by sending 5 "Volcanic" monsters from your hand or field to the Graveyard. During your Draw Phase before you draw you can toss a coin and call it, if you called it correctly add 1 "Blaze Accelerator" card from your Deck to your hand, if you called it wrong skip your Draw Phase. When this card inflicts Battle Damage you can discard 3 cards to increase the damage by 1000 and treat the Battle Damage as Effect Damage. This card gains ATK equal to the number of "Volcanic Shell" and "Volcanic Scattershots" in your Graveyard x200.


This would pull Volcanic Monarch out of its slump in the meta ^-^

BTW just to get this clear, he can be normal summoned and set normally for 2 tributes ^-^




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ultimate ryan, I give this card an 8/10. please wait for chaos master ygo to post a card in my contest. then after I rate the card, you can make another.


keep in mind contestants to look at this contest constantly please. if I don't see your card yet people, i'm sorry but I will get back to the competition tomorrow. hope you all have a good day, and a good night.

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bringer of the apocalypse, i'm so sorry, the card rating I have to give you is a 6/10, so close and yet so far. did you have fun atleast? i'm afraid that according to the rules, you are eliminated. you may leave whatever kind of comment you want, it can be good or bad, whatever you feel.

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i finally got my card here it is

Cyber Techno Overdragon

Cyber Techno Overdragon


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Releasing 1 "Chimeratech Overdragon" you control. This card can attack a number of your opponent's monsters equal to the number of Fusion Material Monsters used for the Fusion Summon of the "Chimeratech Overdragon" used to Special Summon this card. When a Machine-Type monster is Summoned, place 1 Cyber Counter on this card. You can remove 3 Cyber Counters from this card to Special Summon 3 Machine-Type monsters from your hand or Graveyard, except "Chimeratech Overdragon". When a Spell Card is activated that activation is negated and this card loses 500 ATK and DEF. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.


[align=center]Disclaimer: I do not own the artwork of my card

Expert OCG was used

My card is for this competition

Good Luck to everyone and Ryan in this contest

Hope You Liked It



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Lets see if this beats the bucket 90



This card is also treated as Spellcaster-Type. When this card is Summoned (excluding Special Summon) destroy 1 Dragon-Type Monster on the field. When this card destroys a Dragon-Type Monster by battle, pay 500 Life Points to activate one of the following effects:

- Increase this card's ATK by 1000 for 1 turn.

- Decrease all Dragon-Type Monsters' ATK and DEF by 500 for 1 turn.


EDIT: now copied the whole card text

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regnal, i'm so sorry, but the rating I have to give you is a 6/10, so close but so far. according to the rules, this means you are eliminated. you may post a comment, whatever your comment is, good or bad, post it in here. or PM me. I feel bad but it just didn't reach some of its full points.

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