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silent magician + silent swordsman = this post


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when you say choose a monster, specify where the monster is currently in.( and good grammer is once per turn, not each turn)Die=1, Dice=2



Once per turn, roll a die. Select one monster fromyour(insert feild, deck, graveyard, Removed from play zone) and add it to your hand


and another little tip, a rule about card making: make playable cards, if it's not playable enough, than don't make the card at all. Deffence is too high comparing the material.attack is fine seeing how hard it is to play it.

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Yeah, a couple of OCG errors.

In the effect it says choose a monster from with the...

You forgot to put in "your deck" after you wrote the from. If it's a fushion, since it's fused from a level 8 and 7, maybe it should be level 10, especialy because of the atk.

Other than that, i love the picture, it wold go well with some of my deck's and i rate it quite well, just to prove that...


Good Job!!^_^

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