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Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (First DC card up!)


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These effects are based off of the whole Fatality/Friendship concept: Either help yourself or hurt your opponent.



2616ib6.jpg2616ln6.jpgRate, comment, criticize(but not harshly). Fire away!


NOTE: with the exception of Sonya, the charcters' second effects are based off the following fatalities:

Kitana: Kiss of Death

Liu Kang: Dragon

Scorpion: Toasty!

Shang Tsung: Soul Taker

Sub Zero: Deep Freeze Uppercut


Also, I had some help from Flame Dragon, so he deserves some credit as well.

NOTE 2: I understand that Friendship may or may not be in Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe. But still, I felt that it had to be done


I may or may not make the DC cards, depending on if I can come up with good effects that follow this concept.


EDIT: Just so people don't start complaining, I got the pics from the Official MK vs. DCU website.

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TAG' date=' stop responding to like every comment.


Any ways, as I said in the pm, nice, but shouldn't you say I helped?


Hey, it beats having to wait 24 hours to bump. :-P


And yes, you did help. But it was more in an inspirational kind of way. Plus, I came up with the idea. But I should give credit because you DID help.

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Cool idea ^_^ Dont forget Baraka' date=' he's the best ^_^ 9.4/10


I'm currently working on only the character that are in MK vs. DC. I still need all the DC heroes announced, and the only MK character i haven't done so far is Jax, since they haven't put him nor Green Lantern on the official website.

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