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There are 2 Penalty Game in this Deck.

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3|Caius the Shadow Monarch

3|Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

2|Cyber Dragon


3|Legendary Jujitsu Master

1|Snipe Hunter


1|Spirit Reaper

1|D.D. Crow

3|Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

2|Mask of Darkness




2|Soul Exchange

1|Brain Control

2|Allure of Darkness

1|Book of Moon

1|Heavy Storm

1|Monster Reborn

1|Premature Burial

1|Lightning Vortex




1|Mirror Force

1|Crush Card Virus

3|Solemn Judgment

1|Torrential Tribute

2|Penalty Game

1|Trap Dustshoot

1|Mind Crush

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3 Dekoichi-the-no-gain-trains in a format ruled by Gladiator Beasts? Bad idea.


-3 Dekoichi

-2 Cyber Dragon


+2 Destiny Hero - Malicious

+1 Elemental Hero Stratos

+1 D-Hero of your choice, probably Disk Commander.


lul-you-todally-wouldn'a-builtehd-dis-if-you-didn'a-c-ma-thread-XD ^_^

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3 Dekoichi-the-no-gain-trains in a format ruled by Gladiator Beasts? Bad idea.


-3 Dekoichi

-2 Cyber Dragon


+2 Destiny Hero - Malicious

+1 Elemental Hero Stratos

+1 D-Hero of your choice' date=' probably Disk Commander.


lul-you-todally-wouldn'a-builtehd-dis-if-you-didn'a-c-ma-thread-XD ^_^


but dekoichi does good in this sorta deck, so is cyber dragon for tribute fodder, not everyone in the world runs gladiators and e-hero + d-hero goes really random in this. there's not enough special summoning for disk commander and stratos would only have three targets. (phew!!)

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3 Dekoichi-the-no-gain-trains in a format ruled by Gladiator Beasts? Bad idea.


-3 Dekoichi

-2 Cyber Dragon


+2 Destiny Hero - Malicious

+1 Elemental Hero Stratos

+1 D-Hero of your choice' date=' probably Disk Commander.


lul-you-todally-wouldn'a-builtehd-dis-if-you-didn'a-c-ma-thread-XD ^_^



Wait you actually suggested that I take Cyber Dragons out of a Monarch Deck?


Also, you think I should take out 3 Dekoichi and try to include a Destiny Hero Draw Engine of some sort with only 3 Destiny Heroes?



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