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THE DARK ONE's Valhalla Counter Fairies

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Monsters: 21

2 Van’Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord

2 Darklord Zerato

3 Splendid Venus

2 Athena


2 Hecatrice

3 Bountiful Artemis

2 Harvest Angel of Wisdom

3 Honest

2 Dark Valkyria


Spells: 9

3 Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen

2 Trade In

2 Allure of Darkness

1 Monster Reborn

1 Premature Burial


Traps: 10

3 Solemn Judgment

3 Dark Bribe

2 Magic Drain

2 Divine Wrath


I'm only using Dark Valkyria so I can use Allure. And really, it's not that bad in a deck like this. With all of my counters, it's relatively easy to keep on the field for an extra turn. Also, it can stand up to Laquari/Wulf/CyDra if Venus is on the field. And, if it comes to it, and I have nothing better to do, I can Special Summon it with Valhalla, then Gemini Summon it in the same turn to blow away a troubling monster.


I'd like to be using 3 Drains, as they're awesome with Venus, but I don't really know how to fit them in. (Bribe and Solemn are better even with Venus on the field.) It's also my standard practice to run 3 Wraths in any Counter Fairy deck I build, but I couldn't fit a 3rd of that in either.


Thoughts? Fix time!

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How about taking out the Dark Valkyries for 2 Heralds of Orange Light and add some Synchro monsters?


i rather like the Valkirias in here. i wouldnt have thought about those.


they allow allure to work, and gives you some explosion.


i like the deck very much. good work. ;)



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Just because this deck's just too cool not to stay at the top of the page. =D


To Void from earlier, taking out the Dark Valkyrias would mean I'd have to take out the Allures too. Synchro Fairies could work, but I'm not sure I could really fit them into this build.


Seriously though, not a single suggestion?

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