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My Dark/Spellcaster deck


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Magician of Faith

Dark Magician of Chaos (non ritual)

The creator

Dark Magician x3

Gemini elf x3

Dark Magician Knight

Penguin Soldier


Sillva, Warlord of Dark World

Sorcerer of Dark Magic

MAd Dog of Darkness

Zombyra the Dark

Mask of Darkness

Mystical Elf

Sinister Serpent

Wall of Illusion

Familiar Possessed -Eria

Vampire Lord

Man-Eater bug

Familiar Possessed -Aussa

Zure, Knight of Dark Word x2

Dark Magician Girl

Dark blade

Witch of the black forest

Caius the Shadow Monarch

Kycoo the ghost Destroyer

Cyber jar

Summond Skull




Spell Shield type 8

Lightforce Sword

Trap Jammer

Call of the Haunted

Trap Hole

Sakuretsu Armor

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Torrential Tribute




Swords of revealing light

Knight's Title

United We Stand

Mage Power

monster reborn

the shallow grave

sage's stone

defferent dimension capsule

lightning vortex

card destruction

tribute doll

premature burial

brain control

dedication through light and darkness

contract with te abyss

pot of greed

creature swap

harpie's feather duster

change of heart



Let me know what you think of it.

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Illegal deck is Illegal in advance format



I do not use it in competition but what do you thing about it


but you should have posted it in traditional, as for the deck it doesnt really have a theme it's just a pile of random cards. Try making a theme and stick to it.


Skuldur out

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Illegal deck is Illegal in advance format



I do not use it in competition but what do you thing about it


but you should have posted it in traditional' date=' as for the deck it doesnt really have a theme it's just a pile of random cards. Try making a theme and stick to it.


Skuldur out




Why is this random isn't it good

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