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Monarch's for Locals


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Caius x 3

PMD x 1 (would run 2 but only have 1)

Raiza x 1

Thestalos x 2

LJM x 2

Dekoichi x 2

DD crow x 2

Treeborn frog x 1

Mystic tomato x 2

Sangan x 1

Snipe hunter x 1



Spell's (15)


Soul exchange x 2

Monster reborn x 1

Prem x 1

Smashing ground x 1

Lightning vortex x 2

SORL x 1

MST x 1

Scapegoat x 1

Heavy storm x 1

Brain control x 1

E-controller x 2

Cold wave x 1





Solemn x 3

Roar x 2

TT x 1

Mirror force x 1




Any idea's to make it better ?

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Well that one was 5£ , and the winner gets 1 mat, 1 t-shirt (usally a WoW or a raviel one) and about 8 packs


usualy about 20-40 people show up


and in October, We are holding the biggest tournament ever in Scotland (as in prizes)

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Our winner gets a mat and a Gold Series. 2-4 get like 2 boosters. Zilch for everyone else.


Oh, and my locals are already pretty far away from where I live. But I think they're the closest ones to my house. Lol, I wish your hobby shop would just sort of transport itself over to where I live. You could move in next door. :)

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