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The Redeemer


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I try to hold the old OCG for a fairly long time, because I don`t like the new. Not yet. And don`t wonder why this card is half orange half violet ... it has nothing to do with Fusion. I just wanted to give my card a "touch of art".



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by offering 2 Cherubim-Type monsters as a Tribute. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. During your Standby Phase, put 1 Spell Counter on this card (max.12). Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 500 and the Level by 1, for every Spell Counter on this card. Once per turn during your Main Phase you can remove every Spell Counter on this card to inflict equal damage for every removed Spell Counter x500.


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@MCII: If you know how, it`s very simple. First you need Photoshop. ( I don`t know this is the only software to make it but I used Photoshop ). Then you make your card normaly, maybe an effect monster and in this time the same card, but as an Fusion monster. Like this:


WARNING: Make sure, the text and everything is exactly identic. Besides the effect. The picture is not necessary ( with the picture it makes it easier for you in Photoshop, but that`s not the point ). Now you`re going to upload these 2 pic`s in Photshop. Now copy the Fusion card into the effect. The software will automaticly lay these 2 pic`s exactly upon each other. In this situation, you only see the Fusion ( cause you copied it above the other ) The last thing you have to do is only use the ERASER-tool and erase everything on the card, which should be not "Fusion-colored". For the effect and the picture you can use the Rectangular Marquee Tool.


Hope I could help you. And thanks for your comments ;)

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