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switch swap control deck

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well iv been thinking about this deck for quite awhile... its kinda like a burn control deck............................ please dont criticise so hard if its not all that good... any suggestions would be much appricianted..::..


Monsters..::.. 23

-Ameoba x3

-Griggle x3

-Lava Golem x2

-Blindly Loyal Goblin x2

-Mataza the Zapper x2

-Giant Kozaky x2

-Giant Germ x3


-Magician of Faith

-Mystic Tomatoe x3

-Guardian Shinx


Spells..::.. 14

-Mystic box x3

-Shien's Spy x1

-Creature Swap x3

-Owner's Seal x2

-Dark Piecing Light x2

-Harpie Feather Duster

-Pot of Greed

-Monster reborn

-Heavy Storm


Traps..::.. 8

-Mirror Force

-Torrential Tribute

-Imperial Order

-Compusory Evacuation Device x3

-Ring of Destruction

-Wall of Revealing Light


Total..::.. 45 Cards

..::.. Dicuss

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