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A few years ago, a couple countries were having conflicts. And to this day, they are still having them. A couple people from Russia decided to "Terrorize" part of China. The Chinesse people didn't like that. So they fought back. A few months later the fighting grew more brutal and bloody. While the fighting was going on, a couple of other countries sided with Russia and China. When it all stopped and seemed peaceful, *BOOM*! India dropped bombs on a City in China. So all of this resided into World War 3.


*Things to know before joining*


- The Countries to pick are:


  • China
  • India
  • Russia
  • Brazil
  • England
  • Spain


- Killing in this, is allowed.

- I you die, BYE-BYE

-There is a 50/50 chance about Death

- Russia and China CANNOT sign a Treaty until one of the Contries is defeated or surrenders


- The siding countries however, can switch sides. Or just a certain group of people can.


- You can either be a, Spy, Soldier, Nurse/Medic, Guard





1. RP Rules apply

2. Please try to contain Flaming. (Unless in a bad occasion in the RP)

3. You can only make 1 character!



Entry Form:



Age: (30 or above)


Residing Group: (Spy, Soldier etc.)

Specialty: ( Range, Stealth, Defense. etc. You pick!)



Have Fun!




[spoiler= England]


Name: Hasko Nevoya

Age: 36

Country: England

Residing Group: Spy

Specialty: Wise, Stealth, Clever.


Name: Seth Graystone

Age: 34

Country: England

Residing Group: Medic

Specialty: Medicine and Healing


Age: 35

Country: England

Residing Group: Spy

Specialty: Stealth, Range, Acurracy.


Name: Charles Renyolds

Age: 32

Country: England

Residing Group: Specially trained soldier (assasination)

Specialty: Stealth & assasination





[spoiler= China]


Name: Cameron J Dog

Age: 50

Country: China

Residing Group: Soldier

Specialty: Sniping,Stealth,Strategizing


Name: Jacob

Age: 30

Country: China

Residing Group: Spy

Specialty: Stealth (intelegence gathering)


Name: Chau Ming Welche

Age: 38

Country: China

Residing Group: Strategist

Speciality: Strategizing, Accuracy, Speed


Name: Dustin Endex

Age: 30

Country: China

Residing Group: Spy

Specialty: Stealth, Undercover Work





[spoiler= Russia]


Name:Vladamer Kolistofv

Age: 35


Residing Group: D.V.R. Speznats (for all you peps out there who have no idea what the speznats are it Russais elite force)

Specialty:stealth,camo,combat rifle, gernade launcher



Name: Vladimir

Age: 30

Country: Russia

Residing Group: Spy

Specialty: Stealth


[spoiler= India]


Name:Aashar Akram



Residing group:Soilder

Specialty:Snipeing,Close Combat,and Gun Specialist


Name:Cory Renaldi



Residing Group:Soldier

Speciality:Stabbing people with knives,Bazooka firing,& Flying Navy Ships




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